Chapter 12

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Bella's pov

I was reading in the common room when I saw a smiling Pansy enter.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked suspiciously.

"Welllll, Draco officially asked me to be his girlfriend" she was practically jumping with excitement and I immediately matched her energy.

"OMG, Pansy Im so happy for you" I said hugging her. "Tell me everything".

"Well he had been acting a bit strange during the day and then after classes he asked me to meet him by the black lake. When I got there he had laid out a blanket and brought warm chocolate and some food"

"Aww that's so sweet" the happiness in her eyes completely melting my heart.

"We just talked for a while and then he just asked me. I obviously said yes and it was all just so perfect you know" she was beaming with joy.

We talked some more before Enzo and Theo joined. "What you girls doing?" Enzo asked as he took a seat.

"We were just talking about how Draco finally asked Pansy to be his girlfriend." I said.

"Well that was about damn time!" Enzo said, making us all laugh.

"We're happy for you, you look good together" he added.

"Well you guys have fun I've got somewhere to be" Theo said getting up and leaving quickly.

"Where's he going?" I asked Enzo.


"Library?" Me and pansy asked simultaneously.

"Sense when does he even know were that is?" Pansy asked, equally as confused as I was.

"Sense he found out Daphne spends most of her time there" he said. Me and Pansy were both shocked. I mean we suspected he liked Daphne but to this extent? I guess love is in the air today.

We hung out for a while before I was reminded of the time and that I was now late for my last study session with Mattheo. I quickly hurried up to his dorm and knocked. "You're late" he said opening the door.

"I know, I'm sorry I lost track of time talking with Pansy and Enzo" I excused myself as I put down my stuff on his desk. "You know Pansy and Draco are officially a couple now" I said trying to ease his mood a bit.

"I'm aware" he answered nonchalantly.

"How? It just happened"

"Draco has been non stop whining asking me to help him plan it out." he said walking over to the desk.

"He asked you for help? Romantic help?" I light laugh escaping my mouth as I said it.

He looked offended at my statement "I can be romantic of I want to" he said defensively.

"Oh really, I'll believe it when I see it"

"You'll never see it" he answers.

"And why's that?"

"Because I would only ever be romantic to someone I acutely like, and you I find highly fucking annoying. Now let finish this fucking project so you can leave my dorm" he grabbed the papers starting to organize everything we had done.

"Is that your favorite word?" I asked.

He looked at me confused "What?".

"Fucking? Is that your favorite word? Because you use it a lot" I said getting on his nerves.

"No it's not my favorite fucking word"

"See there you go using it again, well if it's not your favorite word it must mean you have a bad vocabulary using such bad language all the time". He was looking at me with deadly eyes as I looked at him with a sweet smile, pissing him of even more.

Borrowed time; Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now