Chapter 30

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Bellas pov

I had walked past everybody that was gathered in the common room the night before and headed straight for bed. Although it took me a while to fall asleep with all my though twirling in my head I had eventually drifted of in to a deep sleep.

Waking up the next morning I had a raging headache from last night crying. I recurrently made my way out of bed and over to my bathroom, my eyes was puffy and my hair and absolute mess. Deciding a shower would do me good I stripped of my pajamas and hoped under the warm stream.

I noticed my stomach growling for food but didn't really feel like being surrounded by the others right now so I ignored it and brushed my teeth and hair before trowing on some cozy sweats. Just as I exited my closet a knock was heard on my door and dread filled my body. I really wasn't in the mood for company right know so I did the only logical ting I could come up with and pretended I wasn't here. I stood completely still hoping the person on the other side of the door would give up and leave but they didn't.

My handle shook as they rattled it "Bella, we know you're in there". It was Enzos voice that spoke,  but he said we?! "Who else is there?" I asked out. "It just Theo and Me" Enzo responded.

"And we won't leave, so you might as well open the door and save us all the trouble" Theo chipped in.

I reluctantly made my way to the door opening it. "See that wasn't so hard, was it?" Theo said propping the door open and walking inside. Enzo followed after closing the door behind him, a big tray in his hand as he walked over to the bed and put it down. It had a cover over and he dramatically took it off reviling a bunch of different breakfast options. "Voilá" he said as he and Theo flopped down on the bed.

An unwilling smile formed on my lips as I took a seat with them. "This is really sweet guys but I think I need some time alone" I said appreciating the gesture.

"We get it, but you also need food so we won't leave until you eat something" Theo said stealing strawberry from the plate. The look on both their faces told me they weren't joking so I gave in enjoing the breakfast.

"What are you felling?" Enzo asked just as I had swallowed a bite of my waffle.

"I don't know, hurt, betrayed, empty, stupid, angry" I bubbled out the words before taking another bite.

"He's a right twat for doing that" Theo said taking another strawberry, "And Draco pushing his buttons like he did too" he shook his head.

"What did Draco do?" I asked not having heard of his involvement before.

"Apparently Draco had told Blaise about you and Mattheo while they were unpacking the day we came back. They were teasing him about it and that was apparently the trigger to him you know..." Enzo trailed off. "But I thinks he really regrets it you know, he said it was like a wake up call. That after that he realized you were the only one he wanted"

"Yeah I mean I have never seen Riddle act this way. His always been nonchalant with girls, moving from one to the other and not caring who he hurt. But with you it's different, he's different" Theo added.

I stayed quiet as I processed what they had told me. "You think I would be stupid to forgive him?".

"No, but take your time. Make him suffer a little" Theo said which actually made me smile.

"Thanks boys, I really needed that" I said smiling at the two.

"Aww, this calls for a group hug" Enzo said dragging me in to a hug as I laughed.

"You still coming tonight right?" he asked as we pulled away.

"Yeah, Pansy would murder me if I didn't"

Borrowed time; Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now