Chapter 10

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Bella's pov

I was sat in the common room reading my book. I was too lost in the pages to see the 4 boys that sat down around me.

"How long do you think we can sitt here before she notices us?" Enzo whispers to them.

"Probably forever" Draco says before trowing a pillow in my face.

I looked up at the boys around me, "Okey who threw that?" I asked giving them all a deadly glare for interrupting my reading. They all pointed att Draco as I picked up the pillow throwing it right back at him.

I marked the page before closing my book and putting it on the table. "Where's Blaise?" I asked noticing his absence.

"He's getting the weed for tonight" Draco answered.

I looked around them confused, "Whats happening tonight?".

"We were going to have a game night in mine and Theo's dorm, we acutely came here to invite you and Pansy" Enzo said.

"Oh well I'm honored for the invite. I'll cheek with Pansy but I'm sure she's down. What time?" I asked getting up from my seat.

"8 pm"

"Okey, see you later boys" I began making my way to the girl's dorm to tell Pansy about tonight.

She was taking her afternoon nap and I knew better than to wake her up. So I wrote her a note telling her about the plan and to come meet me in my dorm when she wakes up.

A while went by and I heard a knock on my door, thinking it was Pansy I yelled for them to come in. I had just gotten out of the shower and was just in a towel when I opened the bathroom door and saw Theo.

"Oh shit, Hi" I said quickly walking over to my closet to find some clothes.

"Hi" he said laughing. "I just came to drop this off" he held up my book, I must have forgotten it in the common room earlier.

"Oh thanks" I grabbed the book placing it on my nightstand.

"Soooo, are you brining Daphne along tonight?" he asked walking around the room trying to seem unbothered.

"No, she's having a study night with some other friends tonight unfortunately" the disappointment on his face was clear. "Although us girls were planning on going to Hogsmeade tomorrow and we could use some strong men to carry our bags for us", I tried my best to sound like a woman in need making Theo chuckle at my actions. "Yeah alright I'll talk with the boys, tell them that we have some women in need of rescuing tomorrow" he dramatically said, now making the both of us laugh.

"Great, well I'll see you later and thanks for the book"

"No worries, see ya"

As he closed the door I went over to my desk to freshen up a bit for tonight. I did a simple ponytail leaving to strand loose at the front to frame my face, eventually I ended up doing some light makeup while waiting for Pansy trying to make the time pass by quicker.

Just as I was done Pansy walked in my dorm. "Hellooo" she said plopping down on my bed.

"Hi" I said walking over to my closet to grab another shirt.

"So what is it we're doing again?" she asked.

"Game night"

"Yeah, I gathered that much but like what games and why?" she asked giving me a annoyed look at my answer.

"To be honset I don't know, the boys just said game night and weed, 8pm, Enzo and Theo's dorm" I said walking out of the closet.

"Weed?" her eye's light up, "You never mentioned weed in the note. Well let's go then can't be late can we" she said now dragging me out of the dorm. Her excitement for weed was honestly ridiculous.

Borrowed time; Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now