Chapter 22

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Bella's pov

At breakfast Pansy brought up the idea that we should go ice skating on the black lake. Me and Daphne immediately thought it was a good idea and although the boys took some convincing they eventually agreed to come. Mattheo hadn't made an appearance at breakfast so I wasn't sure he would join us today, I actually hadn't seen him sense the astronomy tower yesterday and I was beginning to worry that he was avoiding me after our talk.

We all went our separate ways getting properly dressed and ready for the lake. We had agreed to meet at the lake in an hour but as me, Daphne and Pansy got there the boys were nowhere to be seen.

"If they ditched us I'm gonna kill every single one of them" Pansy said beginning to put her ice skates on.

Voices could be heard from the trees as the boys approached. Theo and Enzo was in the lead their skates hanging from their shoulders, Draco and Blaise was right behind them. But what surprised me the most was the brown curls that appeared behind them all.

"About damn time you guys arrived" Pansy said sassy making it sound as though we had been waiting for way longer them we actually had.

"Sorry about that, took some time convincing this one to tag along" Draco said referring to Riddle as he walked up to Pansy giving her a sweet kiss on the nose.

I glanced over at Mattheo noticing that he was already looking at me, I flashed him a quick smile before sitting down to change my shoes.

One's everyone had their skates on Blaise did a quick freezing spell on the lake making sure all of it was properly frozen before we stepped out on to the ice.

It had been a while sense I had last skated and it took a few minutes to properly get the hang of it again. As we were gliding around on the ice I noticed that all of them were surprisingly good at it, "How come you're all so good at this?".

"Miss bossy over here forces us to do it with her at least one a years"

"You should have seen them the first time I made them join me, couldn't stay on their feet for more than 10 seconds. I was like 5 bambies on ice" Pansy was laughing but the boys did not look quite as amused.

"You better watch it there Parkinson" Enzo said showing of as we was skating by backwards.

We skated around aimlessly for a while talking and just enjoying the day. Mattheo and Theo staying a bit behind the rest of us looking fierily suspicious and before we knew it they had come at us in full force from behind tripping everyone as they went. Loud thumps could be heard as my fellow Slytherins fell to the ice, a row of curse words flowing from their mouths. Although I too was tripped I never meet the ice, instead a found myself wrapped in a set of strong arms, he had caught me just before I had hit the ground.

He had a boyis smile as he looked at the bodies sprawled out on the ice, his gaze soon lowering to meet mine. "You good?" he still held me close, his warm breath hitting my face as he spoke.

"Yeah, thanks"

I could hear the others beginning to get up behind me as Matthoes grip slowly loosened. The boys had evil looks on their faces as they got to their feet, Mattheo and Theo quickly skated away while the 3 others were close behind.

"Boys" were all Pansy said as I approached them. I helped them brush off the snow from their clothes hearing 2 high pitched screams from far away and assuming the boys caught up to them.

"So what was that all about?" Daphne asked.

"Don't know, probably just boys being boys" I said looking back to the two.

Borrowed time; Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now