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It was a bright monday morning. The birds chirped loudly and the campus of Seoul National University was filled with students.

The trees danced with the wind blowing and the bright rays of sunshine illuminated the entire place. 

Over at the corner garden, there was a slim alleyway that served as a short cut from the biggest Study Hall to the main entrance of the campus.

At this time of day, many students were currently on their first break of the day. The alleyway was a perfect spot if you wanted someplace silent.

There at one of the benches, Cha Soojin a fourth year computer science major sat. She was surviving under the shade as in her hands, she held her book.

Along with the fast breeze, she hummed the tune of her favorite song. Her fingers tapping unconsiously as she still managed to read the page clearly.

The area was mostly empty as only a few students passed during her time there. As Soojin sat minding her own business, she felt her phone vibrate.

The sudden disturbance shook the girl and caused her to look over and grab her phone from her side pocket.

Before she answered the incoming call, she closed her book, not forgetting to slip on the bookmark so that she can remember the page she stopped at.

"Hello?" Soojin brought the phone and pressed it against her ears, calling out as she waited patiently for a response.

"Hey there Sweet Girl." A familiar voice called out. Soojin only giggled when she recognized the voice.

"Hey Hyejin, what's up?" She greeted happily.

"Nothing much, I just wanted to ask if you're on your already way to class." She asked.

"Yeah, I'm at the corner garden right now, I'll be on my way. Want me to wait for you?" She replied.

"Oh my gosh yes please, save me from these people!" Hyejin whined as Soojin let out a chuckle.

"Who are you with anyways? Hold on, let me guess. Are you with Jisung and Chenle again?" Soojin questioned.

"Yes! And they can't stop fighting! Jieun is annoyed too so you better wait for us to arrive. We need to teach these bastards a lesson." She scoffed.

Soojin hummed in response. "Alright then, I'll meet you two outside the campus entrance. Be fast or else we're gonna be late." She reminded them.

"Thank you so much, you're a life saver!" Hyejin exclaimed and Soojin only chuckled before she ended the call.

Afterwards, she slipped her phone back into her pocket. She grabbed her book and arranged in back into her bag before she put her airpods in her ears and headed towards the campus entrance.

About 15 minutes after she arrived at the front of the campus, she spotted Hyejin and Jieun walking towards them. Behind them, Jisung and Chenle walked.

They both had their heads down and there was an unusual distance between the two of them.

"Seems like their fight was about something very serious." Soojin commented as she saw Hyejin and Jieun roll their eyes.

"No actually, they were fighting about what color coat looks best on Daegal. Some childish bullshit if you ask me." Jieun scoffed.

"Oh well, they look like a couple about to get a divorce." Hyejin blurted out as she turned to look at Jisung and Chenle. They shot their heads up and glared at her.

"What? Is Chenji finally getting a divorce?" Hyejin teased them.

"Shut up, you're mean." Jisung told her in an annoyed tone as Hyejin crossed her arms.

"I'm older than you, I can be mean if I want to." She retorded.

"Whatever, you're the worst noona ever. Let's go Chenle." Jisung glared at Hyejin angrily before he walked away, Chenle following behind him.

As the three girls watched the two of them walk off, they saw Chenle pausing on his tracks and turning back.
"Bad noona!" He yelled loudly before turning back and running off.

Hyejin sighed heavily, her hands resting on her hips as frustration was plastered on her face.

Jieun and Soojin looked at her. Jieun wrapped her arms around her shoulder as Soojin stood on her oposite side.

"Your cousin really does have problems. Major one's." Jieun shaked her head.

Hyejin eyed her and nodded in agreement.
"I can tell."

There was a brief silence between them before Soojin opened her mouth in realization.

"We better get going, class starts in 5 minutes." She said as the three girls looked at each other before running their way to class.

Soojin, Hyejin, and Jieun made their way to their class panting. There was only about 30 seconds left on the clock as they rushed to their seats.

Luckily their seats we're at the very end so the professor wouldn't notice they were late.

"Good morning everybody, welcome to your very first Computer Science Lecture of the semester. I'm Professor Kang and I will be teaching you everything you need to know." He announced.
"Before we begin our lessons, I have a few rules I need to discuss with you."

"As you all know, the key to being a good student invloves a lot of things. One of them is teamwork. With that being said, I will now be announcing your partners whom you will be working alongside for the rest of the semester." He said.

Whispers broke out as soon as they heard him say that.
Soojin, Hyejin, and Jieun looked at each other nervously as names began to be said out loud.

"Ms. Jeong Hyejin and Ms. Moon Jieun, the two of you will be working together for this semester."

Hyejin and Jieun excitedly looked at each other. They were happy they we're paired together instead of being with other people which they knew they would absolutely hate.

Meanwhile, Soojin waited patiently for her name to be called. At this point, she already knew things wouldn't go well.

She was going to be someone else.

"Finally, Ms. Cha Soojin, hmm let me look again. Oh... you're with Mr. Lee Donghyuck." The professor spoke.

Oh Shit


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I wonder what's going to happen next 🤔🤔🤔

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