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"Cha Soojin- woah this is amazing. Unbelievable..." He whispered in disbelief, watching as his girlfriend enjoyed, sliding down the slide.

"What- babe are you a kid or something?"  He asked, a chuckle escaping his lips.
Soojin nodded her head as she smiled, climbinv up the smalls stairs and sliding down the slide once again.

"I'm three at heart you know." She yelled, in response.

Donghyuck watched amazed as Soojin excitedly ran around the empty playground.
"God I never realized I'm actually dating a three year old." He cried dramatically as she laughed.

"Babe, come here! Try it out!" She yelled, convincing him to come over. Donghyuck sighed, hands in his pocket as he walked towards the slide. He slowly climbed up until he reached Soojin who was all ready to slide down.

"I'm gonna push you!" He spoke, his hands on her back as she nodded her head approvingly.

"Do it!" She giggled. Donghyuck smiledas he pushed her down, Soojin letting out a few giggles along the way.
Donghyuck followed behind her, eventually reaching her and holding her in his arms.

"This is the most fun I've had ever since I started college." She spoke, eyeing Donghyuck and feeling amazed.

"My god you're such a baby." He huffed, smilling down at her.

Soojin looked up as she faced him. "Bub, how many kids do you want?" She asked randomly, shocking Donghyuck.

"What? Why are you asking?" He looked at her confused.

"Nothing, I just wanted to know so that we could make a huge playground in our backyard for our future children." She smiled.
Donghyuck laughed at her thoughts, his hands squishing her cheeks as she chuckled.

"Fine..I want ten"
"What the-"
"Lee Donghyuck, I'm not giving birth to ten kids."
"Fine then, seven."
"No." She replied quickly.
"Babe, what-." He started.
"What about three, that's the max.." she spoke

He sighed as he looked down at her.
"I guess.." he spoke sadly. "As long as we get to name our first child "twilight sparkle." He smiled.

"Okay then, let's name our second child 'Starlight Glimmer'." She spoke as he nodded his head. "What about our third baby?" He asked.

Soojin stayed silent for quite some time, her brain thinking hard before she eventually came up with one.
"Pinkie pie?"
"Pretty but no."
"Fine, what about 'Sunset Shimmer'."
"I like that."


"Woah...the moon is gorgeous." She whispred, solely eyeing the moonlight  the illuminated the city

"Not as pretty as you though." He replied quickly, looking down at her.
Soojin immidiately smiled, looking up at him, resting her head on his shoulder as his arm wrapped around her body.

The two of them sat peacefully at a bench, facing the city lights and the moonlight
"Gosh, this is just to beautiful...I like it when we're like this." She whispered.

"Baby, I promise to take you out on dates all the time.." he smiled. "Even when we're already married and have our three kids."

"As you should." She replied quickly.
He chuckled, pulling her closer to his embrace.

It was just so peaceful in that moment. The love and comfort they both felt just being in each others arms was unexplainable.

Soojin smiled as she looked up at him, her eyes facing his face, inevitably falling in love with his beautiful features.
Unconsiously, her hands traveled up to his cheeks, cupping them in her hands.

"God I love you so much."

"I love you too.."


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Eun: How many kids do you guys want?

Injun: the fuck-

Eun: Just asking 😌
How many childrennnn

Muscle Man: Idk none

Have kids
Jeno's kids would look so cute

Fullsun: That's what I'm saying
Pass down the eye smile


Jinnie: I kinda want 4

K cool

Jangchen: Why are you guys asking?

Eun: No idea
Just curious

The Baby: I'm leaving the group chat.

Fullsun: I want three
We already figured out the names

MarkLee: Damn y'all be planning so much.


Jaeman: Idk what the hell is going on but why are we talking about children??
This is wild asf

Its just a question
Why are y'all so scared
Bro for the future and stuff...

Eun: It's just for reference...
Lol could not imagine
Us as parents??

We're gonna be the cool parents

Injun: Again....why now?

Lol them Dongjin would be great as parents

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Lol them Dongjin would be great as parents

Speaking offf...
What do we think about bonus chaps?? Should I do emm?

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