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It's been a couple hours later when Soojin finally went home, a little less nervous this time when she walked what she thought was her silent dorm.

Soojin walked in, dropping her stuff on the counter as she collapsed on the couch. She sighed heavily, looking up the ceiling as a smile came up to her lips.

All she could think of was him and all she could do was smile.
Everything around her was silent and still until a small faint creaking sound filled the room.

Soojin looked up and peeked only to see Hyejin and Jieun walking their way towards her. They both smiled when they met Soojin's eyes, immidiately rushing towards her.

They looked excited when they ran towards Soojin.
"So..what happened?" Hyejin asked. "I have a feeling y'all made up or something." She teased.

"What? No we didn't.." Soojin answered. "We just talked."

"Okay....and then what happened?" Jieun looked towards Soojin.

The girl smiled softly, her mouth slowly unlatching as she released a small chuckle.
"Guys..." her voice trailed off.

"Oh fuck Cha Soojin.." Hyejin cut her off, eyes wide and mouth to the ground.
"What the actuall hell?"

Soojin smiled as she nodded her head in response.
"Donghyuck and I...we're- dating now."


It was the next day as Soojin got ready for another day of classes.
After eating breakfast and finishing getting ready, Soojin found herself outside her dorm, walking the lath that lead to the campus with Hyejin and Jieun behind her

It was a beautiful sunny day, the sun was shining brightly, the wind blew and the campus was filled with fun chatters as students made their way to their classes.

Soojin smiled as she walked a calm pace with Hyejin and Jieun, the three of them effortlessely strolling around.

As time passed, the three girls eventually reached the study hall. The room was almost full as the class was about to start.

Right when they walked in, Soojin's eyes met his tall figure. His back was facing her as he stood alongside Jaemin and Jeno.

She smiled when her eyes landed on his, watching his every move.

"Go lover girl, your boyfriend's waiting." Hyejin whispered from behind. A chuckle escaped her lips as she nodded her head shyly.

With that, Soojin slowly walked towards the group, her footsteps approaching Donghyuck who's back was facing her.

With a small pat on the shoulder, Soojin kept the smile on her face as she watched him turn around to face her.

Soojin's eyes met those of his as a grin instantly appeared on his face. He swiftly pulled her towards him, surprising Soojin as his hands landed on her waist.

"Hello and good morning to my beautiful girl friend." Donghyuck whispered slowly, smilling when he looked down at her.

Soojin smiled back, hiding her shyness by burrying her face on his chest. Donghyuck laughed at her actions as he pulled her back.

"There's nothing to by shy about princess..." Donghyuck spoke.

Soojin shrugged. "Well yeah but, we're in public and we uhm-.."
"It's okay sunshine, let them..besides, I want everyone to know you're mine now." He smirked.

Soojin released a small laugh when she heard him say that, inevitably, her cheeks began to feel warm again.

Donghyuck smiled softly, caressing her cheeks as she looked up.

"I have something for you." He said, reaching for her hand to hold it.

Soojin raised an eyebrow curiously.
"What is it?" She asked. Donghyuck gave her a smile before he turned around and grabbed something from his bag.

When he back around, he held a small red box in his hands. Soojin's eyes went wide as her hands reached her mouth.
She smiled, looking up at him he looked at her fodly.
"It's for the two of us, I got us matching necklaces. They will work for now, a temporary replacement for your ring." He explained.

Soojin smiled beamingly as he watched her open the red box that revealed a beautiful silver neckline with a sunshine pendant.

"Oh hyuck..." she whispered softly, eyeing tye piece of jewelry. "You didn't have to do this you know.." she said.
"I know, but I can't let you go without anything. I mean, like I said, it's just a place holder for your ring." He replied.

Her eye brows furrowed down, looking up at him with confusion.
"What do you mean my ring?" She questioned. He smiled, squeezing her hand tightly as she looked up at him.
"Your wedding ring." He spoke. "Because I, amd going to mary you someday."

Soojin couldn't describe what she felt at that moment.
To say her heart was racing over him and his words were an understatement. It was humbling to see how commited he was to her.

Soojin couldn't help but giggle softly, amused by his words. Donghyuck caught her smile, her bright, beaming smile and unconsciously, he smiled too.
"Look I know we're still starting, but I promise I'm gonna marry you someday." He laughed.

Soojin eyed him affectionately as her hands reached up to hold his cheeks.
She laughed at his cuteness, as his hands landed on her waist to hold her.

"I- you're the best.." she whispered softly.. Donghyuck caught and heard what she said, smilling immidiately as he looked down at her.
"I wanna kiss you so bad right now- but I know you'll just explode." He started off.

Pulling her closer by her waist, he pressed a soft kiss on her cheek, making the girl blush again.
"I love you my sunshine..."

Behind them, their friends watched attentively.
"If I was class president, I'd gladly give them the campus couple award at the graduation ceremony...." Jieun spoke.

"I can't believe they hated each other weeks ago." Mark spoke. "It's insane bro-."

"Exactly, it's the haters to lovers trope working on them. And besides, we've known that they like each other since." Renjun replied.

The others nodded their heads in agreement.
"They look adorable together, they are a legendary couple." Hyejin shook her head.

"Wait is there even an award for that?" Jeno asked
"What award?"
"The campus couple award?"
"I don't think that exists bro." Jaemin shrugged.
"Okay and? We'll make it real then!"

"Okay and? We'll make it real then!"

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Campus Couple Dongjin ☺️☺️

Anywhooo Jaehyun's wedding in the me the next chap so y'all better get ready!!!!

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