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"Breakfast? Coffee and a warm pastry for you, Princess Cha." Donghyuck suddenly appeared.

He dropped the cup of coffee and the small paper bag with the pastry inside infront of Soojin who was caught off guard by his sudden actions.

"Oh...uh, thanks I guess." She stuttered before she forced a smile, watching as Donghyuck took the empty seat next to her.

He smiled back, nodding his head before he took his things out and began working.

Today was fairly a relaxing day. All the students had to do was finish the assignment posted by the professor. Not much lectures happening which was a true life saver.

The boy was deeply focused in his work while Soojin, well she was left staring at him. She simply didn't understand why but something about him lured her into looking.

Not to mention, his perfect side-profile. His skin glowimg at the sun shine that went through the glass window. His sharp jawline that simply made her breath hitch everytime.

What the fuck is happening with me?

"I'm just too hot aren't I?" He interrupted causing the girl to look the other way.
"It's okay, I get it." He smirked rather in a teasing way.

"Yah, just shut up and do your work." Soojin told him.

"Okay then stop looking and eat your pastry." He chuckled as she was left with no other choice but to smile back.

God damn why is it happening again...

Soojin eventually got a hold of herself as the two of them returned to their original tasks.


"Pizza's here!" Renjun yelled as he walked into the living room holding the pizza delivery in his hands.

He walked further into the living room, placing the pizza in the middle of the food spread they had on the table.

It was only the guys this time as the three girls, Soojin, Hyejin and Jieun had a few other things to do.

"Tell me why the mean girls aren't here again?" Jaemin asked before he took a nice big bite of the food.

"Well in Soojin noona's words, they were going to the mall to do some last minute shopping for the wedding. I swear these girls worry too much." Chenle replied, shaking his head.

"True, girls will be girls." Mark laughed and so did the rest of them.

"Ah, Soojin does that a lot. But it's cute though...." Donghyuck laughed.

His sudden, unexpected comment caused the other to look at him with confused expressions plastered on their faces.

"What? What did I do?" He asked, totally confused with the stares he was getting.

"Bro, you just called her cute..." Renjun said.

"Well that's new." Jeno shrugged.

Donghyuck looked at them as small smirks started to appear in between their lips.

"Fuck, I knew it! You like Soojin!" Chenle exclaimed as he suddenly jumped out of his seat.

"You like Soojin!"

"Woah what? Soojin noona?" Jisung looked at him in disbelief.

Donghyuck knew he messed up as he tried to calm them down.
"No, no, that's not it- it's just that-"

"No you just called her cute!" Chenle yelled excitedly.

"My god, not Lee Donghyuck falling for his number one hater, Cha Soojin." Renjun sighed.

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