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When Soojin and Donghyuck arrived at Jaehyun's house, they knocked on the door and were  greeted by Johnny.

He held a beer in his hands as he greeted the two young one's with a beaming smile.

"There's my favorite youngster! Come on hyuck!" Johnny pulled him towards himself as he continued to drag Donghyuck over to the kitchen.

"Johnny Suh, I swear you're drunk!" A girl yelled as she turned back to face Soojin.

Her name was Alexa, she was Johnny's girlfriend. Yet again, the poor girl was left annoyed by her boyfriend's wildness.

"Come inside babe, the girls are over there." She smiled before she interwined her arm around Soojin's.

Soojin laughed in excitement as soon as they entered the house. Needless to say it was heavily decorated with balloons and banners.

"Finally! The Cha Soojin has arrived!" Jiwon  stood up from her seat to greet the girl who gladly hugged her back.

"I'm so sorry to keep you waiting, Donghyuck was driving a bit too slow." Soojin chuckled before she took a seat next to Hyejin.

"You came with Donghyuck?" Jieun asked with a raised eyebrow as Soojin nodded.

"See, Hyejin and Jieun have been telling us about you and Donghyuck. In my opinion, i think it was their plan to leave you alone with him." Eunyoo winked.

Soojin looked confused.

"What she mean was that those two left early on pupose so that you would be left with no other choice than to ride with him." Ji-ah explained.

"Well, the most important part is that it worked." Jiwon teased her.

Soojin looked shy, as she glanced the other direction to hide her blushing cheeks.
"You guys seriously need to stop trying to bring us together." She said chuckling.

Jieun was caught of guard. "But why? You guys are literally so cute together." she said.

Soojin smiled but much to the other's dismay, she later shook her head in disapproval.

"Soojin, babe, the boy obviously has feelings for you." Jiwon said, placing a hand on her shoulders. "Judging by the way he looks at you-" Jiwon began but she stopped when she was interrupted by Donghyuck who walked in without warning.

Everyone was left shocked and listening as he approached Soojin who instantly looked up at him.

"What are you doing here?" She whispered.

"Why are you whispering? This is literally a party." He laughed as she rolled her eyes.

"Just answer the question." She demanded and he nodded.

"Nothing, I just wanted to check up on you. I'm sorry, Johnny hyung was just too excited to see me, he had no choice but to drag me in as soon as he layed eyes on me." He chuckled as he explained.

The annoyed expression on Soojin's face was them replaced with a small smile when she looked up at him.

The other girls watched carefully, observing the two of them.

"Oh my fucking god, they have to be dating for real." Hyejin whispered. The others nodded in agreement.

"Oh well, you should get back to them then. They must miss you so much." Soojin told him as he smiled.

"I figured I should, you enjoy sunshine. I'll be over there if you need me." He smiled at her before turning the other way and walking back to the group of boys.

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