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"Everywhere I go bring the beatbox!" Mark and Renjun sang as they sat together in the couch. Jisung and Chenle were playing some board games, while the rest of the guys were over at the corner simply chatting.

All of them, as in all ten of them were gathered in Soojin's dorm. It was full as all the boys took over the living room while Soojin and Jieun were in the kitchen with Hyejin.

"Okay what about this color? Do you think this would look good on me?" Hyejin asked as she showed the picture to Soojin and Jieun.

The two of nodding approvingly, Soojin showing her thumbs up while Jieun smiled in agreement.

"Alright I'm buying this. I have no time to waste." Hyejin said focusing back on her phone.

As the three girls had a separate party, another presence appeared in the kitchen. The sudded change caused the three girls to look up.

Needless to say, it was just Donghyuck walking in. Hands sticked inside his pocket as he approached the three girls.

A smile crept up to his face when he made eye contact with Soojin. Both Hyejin and Jieun noticed the blush that took over her cheeks as the two of them passes a few secretive giggles.

"What's with the smile? Have you found yourself a tux yet?" Soojin asked as Donghyuck shook his head.

"Nah, I haven't but Jaehyun hyung texted and he said he would take all the guys out tomorrow to go shopping and stuff..." Donghyuck shrugged.

"Okay..." Soojin's voice trailed off. "Then why are you here?" She asked as Donghyuck kept the smile strong on his face.

Jieun shot the girl a glare as she looked back guiltily.
"Hey I thought you were going to be being nice to him now?" Jieun asked with raised eyebrows.

"Sorry, I just needed to ask." Soojin chuckled looking back towards Donghyuck who stood there, eyes fixed on her. "Sorry." She mumbled as he only let out a short-lived giggle.

"You're fine, and to answer your question, I simply came here to check on you guys. It's been sometime since we came and the three of you have been caged here since." He explained.

"Oh yeah don't worry, we simply moved so that Hyejin could pick a dress to wear in peace." Jieun replied.

Donghyuck smiled as he nodded his head.
"Right, I understand. Let me go tell the boys to quiet down then so that the three of you can be in peace." He smiled.

He looked towards Soojin, shooting her a small, bright smile before he walked off.

Rest assured, there it was again. Soojin was left a little shocked by his actions that a sly smile quickly appeared on her face unconsciously.

"Ah, Lee Donghyuck, such a gentleman.." Jieun sighed as she teasingly looked towards Soojin.

"Day 19 of getting shipped with your enemy. It's getting real.." Hyejin commented, shaking her eyebrows as she said it in a teasing tone.

"He's such a gentleman, though he has a wild side. I bet he's exactly the type of guy our Cha Soojin would wan't to marry. Right Soojin?" Jieun asked.

Soojin rolled her eyes, scoffing.
"Yeah right....just stop doing that and focus on picking a dress. We don't have much time left." She said, changing the topic.

"Oh we do, we have the whole night to spend simply discussing why you and Donghyuck would make a good couple." Jieun answered with a smile.

"Yeah, but first let's focus on Jaehyun and Jiwoon's wedding." She reminded.

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