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Soojin couldn't believe her eyes.
She could feel her hands shaking underneath, her heart skipping a few beats.

Her cheeks suddenly felt hot. She didn't know what to say.
Was she dreaming?
Was this even true?

If it was...


Soojin was in complete shock in that moment as all she did was throw her phone aside. She layed on her back, eyes fixed on whatever was above her.

She was in shock in the darkness of her room. The only source of light was the moonlight yet nothing else mattered in that moment that what she just saw.

Those three words her typed down might have just changed the course of Soojin's mind. Her brain was altered, everything seemed unclear.

Then again, she sighed heavily. She pressed her eyes together, hoping it would help her remember the tiredness she felt. She wanted ro fall asleep to distract herself from the mere thought of it.

Breathing slowly, hands on her warm stomach as she could still hear her heart beating clearly.

Needless to say, Soojin wasn't successful.


His breathes were heavy and deep. He paced around his room, anxiously, trying his best to make as little sound as he could.

Other than his heart beating like a drum, it was silent. The surroundings were dark as he was the only person up at that time.

Donghyuck was anxious, deeply nervous. It seemed as if he did it out of impulse yet he didn't feel the urge to take back what he said.

Many questioned roamed his mind as he too walked around the small space that was his dorm bedroom.
The moonlight illminated the space well enough for him to see where he was headed.

Donghyuck continued to pace around for a few more minutes before he finally settled himself on the edge of his bed.
He sighed heavily, eyes fixed on the ceiling.

He kept replaying the moment in his head. He was scared what her reaction would be. He didn't know what to do in that moment yet he kept still.

He was doubtful.. one of them being if he would ever get a response back from her. Things seemed to be all a blur...

Though he felt as if the weight on his shoulders vanished when he had done that.
After all the doubts he had about himself, her, what he felt was the only thing that kept him up.

12: 30 am

Hyuck ☀️

I'm Sorry

What are you sorry for?

I'm sorry
I shouldn't have said that.

No don't be sorry
It's okay

No it's not
Really that was embarassing
And immature

So I'm sorry

No don't say that

You should probably go to bed
It's quite late

Stop it

Stop saying sorry
Can we meet up?


I know it's late but can
we please meet up?

Okay where?

Campus garden

Okay I'm on my way
I'll meet you there in 10

Alright thanks

Soojin sighed as she placed her phone down gently.

Her cheeks flushing, heart beating rapidly and as every one second passed the feeling was unbearable.

The feeling of being overwhelmed, the feeling of confusion, or the mere feeling of love.

The girl eventually took a few seconds to calm herself down, breathing and managing her shaky breaths.
Her eyes pressed together as she slowly felt still again. She wasn't sure what she was getting herself into at that moment.

All she knew was that she wanted to see him.

Y'all we're probably waiting for an update so here it is

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Y'all we're probably waiting for an update so here it is. Short chap srry about that..

Enjoy the wait 😝😝😝😝

Just kidding😩

Good luck dongjin
Y'all better be done and together when author Cz comes back

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