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Oh Shit...

Soojin hated herself at that moment. At that point, all she could think about was one thing.

Out of all people she could have been paired up with, why Lee Donghyuck?

She simply wasn't too fond of Donghyuck compared to his other friends. To her, Donghyuck was just too much of an asshole for her liking.

Meanwhile, his friends were fine. Jisung and Chenle faught from time to time but they were nice.

Jeno was also pretty okay, can be jerk if he wanted to but still kind.

Jaemin was the weird one but his handsomeness was enough to overweigh the fact that he was unusual. He was also very kind and such a gentleman.

Renjun on the other hand, she was Soojin's favorite. He was basically her but the oposite sex. He was feisty, intimidating and could make anyone run away just by raising his voice.
He had the power, and he used it well.

Finally, Mark. Soojin had no problem with him either. In fact, he was very cool and chill to hang out with. He often acted as the dad of group, always making sure they weren't out there doing whatever crazy stuff.

He was also very relatable in a many aspects. Over all, Soojin loved all of them. All of them except one guy. Lee Donghyuck.

He was often whiny and flirty. He was also very loud. He has an attitude that Soojin could just not tolerate.

In simple terms, she hated him. Though hate may be a word too strong to describe what she feels, it was the only one in mind that fits the best.

"Okay class, go ahead and find you partners, then find a spot to sit at. Remember that the spot you choose will be your seats for the rest of the semester." The professor announced once again before he moved from the center of the classroom, to the corner desk.

"Holy shit, I'm so sorry girl." Hyejin looked at Soojin as she lazily picked up her things that were sitting on the ground.

"Life hates me." She mumbled before she carried her backpack on one shoulder and started walking towards Donghyuck who was on the other side of the room.

He was surrounded by his other friends, they seemed to be having a serious conversation.

When Soojin approached the group, they all turned back to look at her. Soojin made eye contact with Donghyuck, seeing that he wasn't very happy as well.

As she placed her things down on the seat next to him. She heard Jaemin sigh.
He leaned down and whispered into her ear.
"He really isn't that bad." He said before he winked and walked away with Jeno.

"Yeah right..." she whispered silently.

Jeno turned to face her, showing her his two thumbs up which Soojin simply just ignored.

"Good luck you two..and please, try not to fight, I already have my hands full with Chenle and Jisung." Mark said, tapping the desk before he happily walked away with Renjun.

Soojin sighed heavily as she turned back the other way.

Donghyuck was simply watching her every move which Soojin didn't like at all. Just knowing that he was staring at her made her gag.

"Will you please stop looking at me?" Soojin said, feeling annoyed at the boy for doing so.

Donghyuck chuckled.
"Oh come on, this pair can't be so bad can it? Look Soojin, we're friends right?" He said.

Soojin looked at him and shook her head.
"No Donghyuck, I know you but we're not friends." She clarified.

"Ouch!" Donghyuck exclaimed holding his chest as he acted hurt. Soojin simply rolled her eyes as she passed the work they had to do.

"Stop being a child and start working on this, I want to be the first one to finish." She said, not even bothering to look at him.

Donghyuck grabbed the papers that Soojin threw at him and looked at her silently. He didn't say anything and just looked at her. Later on, a smirk came up to his lips.

Your exactly the kind of girl I like, Cha Soojin.


"Oh god, Donghyuck. It's so freaking easy and you can't even get it right!" She yelled at him.

The two of them were currently seated inside the study hall finishing off the homework they were assigned to do together.

For both Soojin and Donghyuck, studying together was a nightmare.

Soojin kept yelling at him and Donghyuck wasn't able to focus because of her screaming.

"Okay jesus, I'm not as smart as you are!" Donghyuck answered in a higher tone of voice and Soojin scoffed.

"Shut up, just think and you'll get it!" She said and Donghyuck sighed. He didn't bother to answer her.

While he was focused on getting answer to the question right, Soojin was eyeing him seriously. A lot of things ran through her mind as she watched him.

The way he was so focused and determined to get it right, Soojin found it attractive. She was lured into him.

Soon enough, she found herself sighing heavily and contently though it was inaudible and Donghyuck couldn't hear her at all.

Your exactly the type of guy I hate, Lee Donghyuck..


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