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God she felt so nervous

She couldn't stop thinking of him, just the strong urge of wanting to see him took over her. She just wanted to lay eyes on him again, see his eyes fixed on hers.

Soojin kept her head hanging low as she walked slowly to where they were going to meet.

It was dark outside at it was already really late. The surroundings were silent and still as only the sound of the cool breeze filled the air.

Soojin was yet again distracted by the mere thought of him. Imagining what would happen when they were finally at face with each other.

She kept contemplatimg, stealing glanced from behind and wondering if seeing him was the best choice in the book.

Though she was scared, the thought of seeing him was enough to overweigh her fear.

So there she was... walking step by step, on her way to meet up with Lee Donghyuck.
Looking back, it was crazy how much they have  grown closer in a matter of weeks.

Looking back, it seemed scary how time flew by like nothing.
From haters to talking to eventually becomming friends.

Soojin couldn't quite wrap her head around everything. She still had her doubts and her worries but being with him wasn't one of them.

If was as if being with Donghyuck, Lee Donghyuck, the boy she once hated so much was now her cure.
It seemed confusing and her confusion later lead into frustration.

Not knowing what to do next, Soojin trusted her gut. Everything would be okay then...
She sighed as she continued to stroll in the silence of the night.

She had been walking for quite some time when she reached the garden.
There was no sign of him there. Soojin didn't know where to go next as she looked around the place, seeing if he was somewhere.

Her eyes watched until her gaze finally landed on an empty bench sitting under the direct ray of moonlight.
And there he was. Lee Donghyuck, sitting with his back leaned back.

A small smile came to his lips watching as the girl carefully walked towards him.

Her eyes lit up, her heart skipping several beats as the suffocating feeling of warmth washed through her veins.
She turned to his direction, eyes trailing up as he stood up. He was now towering over her as a small smile appeared on her face.

"You're here." He spoke. Soojin couldn't tell if it was a question or simply just a statement. Though he seemed to be in disbelief at the sigh of her, so was she.

Strands of his long hair resting below his eyebrow, his lips that we're so equally plump. His face was the real defenition of beauty and needless to say Soojin was starstruck.

How come she had never noticed this about him?

"Of course I'm here. I wouldn't keep you waiting." She chuckled softly as the two of them walked closer until their toes touched.

Donghyuck looked down at the girl, the way her eyes were up and fixed at him. The way she was so lured into him like he was.
Her eyes shined brighter that any light he has ever seen in his entire existence.

The proximity between them, the distance was too little that they could eventually feel each other's breaths on the surface of their lips.

Donghyuck looked down at her, his hand slowly coming up to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear.  He was solely admiring her breathtaking features every second the two of them stood there in silence.

"Well I-"
The strong urge, the impulse immidiately thre over him as he didn't even give her the chance to finish what she was going to say. The next thing he knew, his hands trailed down to her cheeks as he held them in his hands.

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