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It wasn't a good day, in fact it wasn't gonna be a good week.

The tiredness that took over Soojin yet she forced herself to ignore it and continue. This morning, she felt as if she was gonna cry. It was just one of those times where she just didn't feel like herself at all.

Her mind revolved around finals. She stayed up late almost every night since a few days back, studiying and making sure she was caught up with everything.

As a result, Soojin was genuinely exhausted. She found herself dozing off quite often.
She had her hands full with her studdies and tonight was just like any other night.

There she sat, on the edge of her bed with a computer in her lap. Her room was such a mess. Papers were clattered everywhere you look.

Her stuff layed all across the floor creating a mess.
She sighed, taking a few moments and contemplating every decision she's made.

Along with the exhaustion she felt, Soojin was also in pain. Her shoulders felt heavy and tight while she was also batteling the stomach cramps that ran her over like a truck.

There she sat in silence, alone with countless things to do. She sighed heavily, tiredness and pain showing in her sighs.

Hyuck ☀️

I just got home from study hall
What are you up to sunshine?
Ik ur still awake

Just in bed
Also studying
How was study hall?

It was alright
We went over a lot of stuff
Honestly it's gradually killing my braincells
How about you??

I'm trying to study but I cant, these stupid cramps are so painful

Are you on your period?

Yes 😞

Aww bubs did you take your painkillers?

I did

Awww are you in so much pain
Drink water and rest bubby

I did already
Idk I might just go to sleep already

Yeah, get some rest lovey
Rest well okay?

Okay bub 🥺
I'll text you in the morning
I love you bubby

I love you too Sunshine
Rest well 💤

Soojin dropped her phone on the side as she exhaled loudly. She looked around the space, sighing at the sight of the chaotic space that was her bedroom.

As she placed her computer away, Soojin slowly pulled the covers over her body as she curled her body under the comfy blanket.
After shutting the lights off, Soojin oressed her eyes together and before she knew, she was already in a deep slumber.


The sun shone brightly as the sound of her alarm clock ringing caused her to open her eyes. As Soojin was about to get up to switch it off, she was shocked when another hand reached down to stop the loud noise.

She looked up feeling confused until her eyed landed on his. He smiled as he looked down, walking over and kneeling infront of her.
"Good morning sunshine." He greeted happily.

"Hyuck? What are you doing here?" She asked, her voice confused as she looked towards him.
Donghyuck smiled.

"I just came here because I wanted to see how you were feeling..." He spoke. Though it sounded more like a question from the way he said it.

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