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Jinnie: Yo

Injun: what's good bitches?

Eun: Nothing whore 😉

Jaeman: oh pls not in this
holy group chat ✝️✝️

MarkLee: exactly, we have a
literal child here

Fullsun: wait, who?

Muscle Man: Jisung ☺️

Jangchen: Ha! Bro is underage

The Baby: Shut up, we're
literally the same age

Injun: hold up...
We're missing someone
The bitch herself 😨

Eun: Babe, I think we're all
aware of that.

Eun: Cha Soojin is currently sitting
right infront of us

Jinnie: she's severely stressed out
Donghyuck 💀💀
We're gonna have problems

MarkLee: wait so she doesn't know
the gc is active rn?

Jangchen: Dude is her phone
even on silent?

Jinnie: Noooo don't
worry about that.

Jinnie Removed ChaSoo from the groupchat

Injun: what a way to stop
her from knowing 🤩

Jaeman: I have to say I'm
deeply impressed

Muscle Man: lol hyejin putting her tech
skills to use

Jinnie: shut up it's the only way
It would be worse if I blocked her

The Baby: why not just mute her?

Eun: dummy, for that to happen
she'd have to mute herself

The Baby: Oh, I did not know that

Jangchen: Obviously,
bc of your pea sized brain 🙄🙄

Injun: Oooooo
Chenle just called you stupid

The Baby: I can tell 🙄
And fyi I'm not stupid
I got the highest mark on the exam
Y'all bitches thought wrong

Eun: Ayyy congrats Ji!!!

The Baby: Thanks noona 🥺🥺🥺

MarkLee: Kids these days 😔

Jinnie: Anywhoresss...
Let's focus

Jinnie: back to why I even decided to text y'alls asses-

Fullsun: Okay geez stop 👹

Eun: Explain. Now.

Fullsun: wait so all of y'all rlly
think I left her on read
Oh that's sad 😞

Jinnie: So you didn't?

Fullsun: Noo that's so cruel
I would never

MarkLee: Then why is she mad?
Girl moved halfway across the classroom.
Social distancing be like 😩

Fullsun: I really don't know
But trust me, I texted her back.

Fullsun: Oh god Idek what to do now
I messed up
She's mad
Like really, really angry.

Jaeman: i have an idea
Talk to her man
easy peasy lemon squeezy 😌

Muscle Man: Tell her you DID reply
and maybe apologize
Should you tho?

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