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"Oh god it's almost time." Soojin tapped her foot anxiously as she kept her eyes on the clock.

"I guess he's still sick then. He's a no show again." Jieun mumbled as she looked at Soojin who kept eyeing the entrance.

The girl felt hopeful that Donghyuck would appear but as time passed, she began to lose hope. It was too late and to her excuse, Donghyuck was never late.

"Ah fuck.." Soojin hissed

"Hey, chillax girl. I told you not to worry so much." Hyejin rubbed her back comfortingly making the worried girl look up.

Soojin looked up and sighed, walking back towards her seat. She eyed the empty space beside her, her eyes sad and heavy. It's been two days and she hasn't heard a word from Donghyuck since.

"Oh dude what the fuck we actually made it!" Someone yelled happilly. The sudden disturbance caused a few people to look back, one of them being Soojin.

She eyed the group, eyes widening when she saw Donghyuck. He stood behind Jeno and Renjun as the group entered the nearly full classroom.

"Okay man let's go to our seats, 30 seconds left on the clock!" Mark announced to the group as they parted ways and headed to their assigned seats.

Soojin was in shock, her mouth slightly apart as she watched Donghyuck approach the seat.

"Um ma'am, I believe that's my seat." He said with a small chuckle as he pointed to the seat that had Soojin's stuff.

Donghyuck saw her surprised expression. He didn't bother to wait and moved her stuff himself as he immidiately sat down.

Soojin watched his every move. Her mouth was open yet not a sound escaped her lips.

Donghyuck smiled as he turned to look at her.
"Hey.." he spoke with a soft smile.

His words hit Soojin as she scoffed.
"Hey?!" She spoke as she looked at him in disbelief.

Donghyuck was confused. He didn't know what to say at that moment as all he did was hold eye contact with the girl.

"You show up after being gone missing for nearly three days without replying to any of my text and all you say to me is ''hey''?" She yelled at him angrily.

Her loud voice caused a few stares to come their way as Donghyuck shyly looked around. He eyed Soojin, trying to calm her down.

"I-Look I'm sorry okay.. I just didn't know- I fine I'm sorry." He breathed heavily. He looked at Soojin with regretful eyes.

Soojin was slowly melting under his touch as his hands made contact with hers.

"No.." she whispered coldly.

Donghyuck was about to open his mouth to speak but Soojin's small movementsade him stop and look at her.
Soojin slowly released herself from his grip, grabbing her stuff that he placed on the floor as she stood up from her seat.

He eyed Donghyuck coldheartedly before she slowly walked away.

Soojin walked towards the desk where the professor sat silently, abour to start their lecture.

She approached the table as the professor looked at her curiously.
"Yes Ms. Cha? Is there anything I can help you with?" He asked her as Soojin shook her head.

Professor Kang loooked at her. "Then...is there anything you need from me?" He asked again.

Soojin looked at him. She was hesitant to speak but she did so anyways. She was well aware that she was being unreasonable for what she was about to do but it was the only way for her to stop.

"Professor, do you mind if I seat in a different seat? Just for today." She requested as Professor Kang eyed her.

"Ms. Cha, is something wrong with your old seat?" He asked as Soojin shook her head again.

"Oh no don't worry about it, I just want to be seated in a different space so that I could focus more. Just for this day." She explained.

The professor looked at Soojin and nodded his head with a smile.
"You're welcome to anytime Ms. Cha, if that's what allows you to give your full focus, go ahead." He smiled warmly.

Soojin sighed in relief before she bowed down respectfully and walked away. Her steps lead her to a seat much farther away from where she came from.

Once she reached a desireable seat, Soojin sat down and settled her things. Inhaling deeply, she turned her focus to the front of the room.

"Alright class, let's begin today's lesson."


Time passed by after their lecture had started and eventually it came to an end.

The professor said a few words before heading out of the room and dismissing the students. As usual, the classroom gradually became empty as more and more students left.

The room was nearly empty when Donghyuck sighed as he weakly got up from his seat.
Rest assured, all that was in his mind was Soojin. He couldn't help but keel his eyes on the girl all throughout the entire class.

As he got up slowly and started to pack his things, he saw the rest of his group making their way towards him.

"Man, she left you alone by yourself without a doubt bro." Jeno said in a sympathetic tone as Donghyuck kept his head low.

"She's mad at me..apparently because I didn't reply to her countless texts." He said.

The other guys looked at him.
"But you did though right?" Mark questioned him. "Oh god, come one hyuck don't tell me you left the poor girl on read

"No of course not, I sent her back a message and she probably hasn't checked her phone since." Donghyuck exhaled.

"It's fine, It's gonna be okay. I'm going to talk to her." He reassured himself.

The other boys kept silent, only nodding their heads in agreement.

"Okay come on man, you need to eat before you go and talk to her." Mark wrapped his arm around Donghyuck's shoulder as the group began to walk out.

"For real man, eat up. Oh, and maybe I should give you some ear plugs too, you know, to save your ears from being damaged again." Renjun emphasized before he handed him a small pack of earplugs.

"Shut up." He mumbled as he rolled his eyes playfully.

The pack landed on Donghyuck's palm, a small chuckle escaping his lips before he swiftly slipped them into his jean pocket.

The pack landed on Donghyuck's palm, a small chuckle escaping his lips before he swiftly slipped them into his jean pocket

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Soojin girl has officially entered her mad era

I can't wait for the confrontation thoooo

Looks like Soojin's got beef with someone 👀

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