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Soojin reached her first class of the day which thankfully she only had with Hyejin and Jieun and not Donghyuck.

As she walked inside the class, she spotted the two of her friends already sitting down in their seats as she walked towards them.

She dropped her bag on the ground and let out a heavy sigh as she sat down.

"So, how was breakfast?" Hyejin asked her in a teasing tone as Soojin rolled her eyes.

"I don't even know why he did it? Like..I'm so confused right now." Soojin spoke.

"Well he obviously is trying to be friends with you. I mean you've been so mean to him all along and I guess know he just wants you to not be." Hyejin replied.

Soojin looked at her. "Now I feel guilty. You're right. I'm just mean to him because I'm so focused on the fact that he can be a jerk sometimes."

Jieun looked at her and smiled. "So does that mean you're going to be nice to him?" She asked and Soojin shrugged.

"Depends if he'll stop being acting like a jerk. I mean I can probably be friends with him by then." She answered.

"Oh come on, he even went all out just to make sure you ate breakfast. If I were you and some hot college boy did that to me, I might already be falling for him." Hyejin smiled.

"No joke, you have Jaemin. At least he's actually nice and is a such gentleman." Soojin commented.

"Well Jaemin can flirt too but yeah, I have to agree with Soojin." Jieun said.

Meanwhile Hyejin looked at them in disbelief.
"No thankyou, I can't even imagine myself falling for Na Jaemin." She said looking disgusted.

"Oh you will." Jieun chuckled and so did Soojin. Hyejin only looked at them before rolling her eyes.

As the three friends sat there and continued to chat, the professor came in and the lecture began.

Today they had learned more about technology and digital arts. Soojin was lured into the lesson and she enjoyed it a lot that she didn't even realize the time.

After some time, the classroom bell went off indicating that it was now break time for all of the student.

Gradually, students exited the classroom until there was nobody else left behind.

Today, Soojin decided to come with Hyejin and Jieun as the three of them opted to spend their break time in the garden.

It was definitely the right choice as the space was quiet and calm.

Only a few chatters we're heard along with the sound of the leaves rustling and the birds chirping overhead.

"I love life..." Soojin sighed contently as she smiled under the shade. She really was enjoying her time outside. The three of them were laying down on the grass enjoying the mere sound of nature.

Hyejin and Jieun both looked at her, wearing the same confuzzled expressions on their faces.

"Wait, I thought you hated it?" Jieun asked her and Soojin looked at her confused.

"Hate what?" She asked her.

"You know, life and stuff. You just said that you hated life yesterday." She reminded her.

When she finally realized, Soojin only chuckled leaving the two girls beside her even more confused.

"Oh.. I probably just said that out of impulse." Soojin explained.

"Because you got paired up with Donghyuck?" Hyejin asked her and Soojin nodded her head.

"Okay....makes sense since you do hate him." Hyejin shrugged.

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