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A lot of things happened over the past few months. Going from graduating college to applying for jobs was definitely a huge adjustment for the two of them.

On the brighter side, even if they were facing their fair share of problems, it was fine since they had each other.

Soojin and Donghyuck had moved in to the same apartment, just near the company where they were both working out.

It was a new set up for the two of them but it was a change that they were willing to face.

It was pretty late at night, the clock almost hit midnight as Soojin sat comfortably on the couch. She leaned her head back, relaxing her body againts the softness of the sofa.

Her breaths were exhausted, eyes shut together. It was silent around the house as she was the only one inside, but that quickly changed when the sound of the door openimg echoed across the home.

It caught Soojin's attention as she looked up instantly, watching the door and seeing him walk in. A smile instantly came to her lips as she landed in his embrace.

Her hands went above and behind his neck where it lingered. His equally wrapped around her waist, head hanging low on his neck. Soojin smiled as her fingers touched his soft, black hair.

"How was your day?" She asked lowly, almost a whisper as they stayed in that position.

"It was fine..a little busy but we managed." He replied quickly, his voice sounding a mumble as his lips brushed her gentle skin.

"What about you? I miss you so much, i haven't seen you all day." He asked.

Soojin let out a soft chuckle. "My day was good, I had lunch with the girls." She spoke.

"Really? How are they doing?" He asked again. This time, he pulled away to get a better view of her face.

"Well...Jieun's fine. All she's really pissed off about is her stupid boss, and Renjun. Same with Hyejin. They're both surviving in their relationships." She spoke.

Donghyuck sighed as he heard her, pulling her into his arms again as her head rested againts his chest. His heart beat was fast and calming as Soojij listened willingly.
"Ah..let them be, they're still figuring it out." He said.

"Like us?" She looked up at him as he smiled down at her.

"You know there may be many things that I'm unsure about. But you.." He paused. His fingers touched her chin to lift it as Soojin's eyes were fixed on his. "You're the only thing that's stayed true all along." He smiled.

Soojin couldn't help but laugh at his words as he too showed his bright smile.
"I could say the same for you..." she said smilling up.

Donghyuck then grabbed her hand, eyeing the ring that gracefully wrapped around her slender fingers and grinning down at it. Without a doubt, he brought it up near his lips; pressing a short lived yet passionate kiss.

Soojin's cheeks became a light shade of crimson instantly.
Donghyuck laughed at her cuteness, reaching out to pinch her cheeks.

"You're so adorable; and precious." Unable to help himself, he leaned in closer and kissed her lips. "Too cute."

Even though they were together for quite sometime, the spark between them was still the same.
He could still make her blush uncontrolably; and she could still make his heart beat so crazily.


cha_soojin's post

cha_soojin's post

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