
210 6 1

"Um guys.." Renjun interrupted.

His sudden outburst caught the others attention. Looking at him with curiousity, they gave him their undivided attention as Renjun was left hesitant to speak.

"What?" Jaemin asked him. He looked at Renjun with a blank stare as the boy- well tried to gather all the courage he had in him.

"It's Donghyuck..." He exhaled heavily.

Upon hearing Renjun say his name, a slight look of worry took over their faces.

"Why? What's happened to him? Chenle questioned as he stood up from his seat and sat down next to Renjun.

"Is he still sick? Does he need help?" Mark spoke.

While Chenle was seated next to Renjun, he took a glance down, reading the text messages that the two had exchanged a few moments earlier.

"No..he's- how do I say this?" Chenle contemplated as he leaned back. Sighing heavily, he looked at Renjun who nodded in approval before facing the others.

"Donghyuck, he's having the nightmares again.." Chenle said. "But it might be worse this time."

"Exactly, he gets these thoughts during the day. This means it's only getting worse that it previously was." Jeno spoke.

There was a short moment of silence between the group. Only the loud sounds of the environment, people chatting were heard.

"So what do we do?" Jisung asked, looking at the others.

They all looked back. "We have to get home, we can't leave Donghyuck by himself. He needs us right now." Mark stated as the rest nodded in agreement.

As soon as the group agreed on the decision to head on home, they were interrupted by a voice called them out.

"Yah! Renjun! Wait up!"

Renjun turned around to look as he saw Jieun approaching them.

"Oh Jieun I'm sorry I actually can't do work right now, something urgent happened and we need-"

"I know, you have to get home to Donghyuck because he need you guys." Jieun said with a slight smile.

Renjun was caught of guard, confused as to why the smilling girl was standing infront of him.

"If you don't mind, then why are you here?" Renjun couldn't help but ask. Jieun chuckled at his words as she stepped aside.

Their mouths fell open as Soojin walked closer.
"I hear you guys are going home to take care of him." Soojim began, her voice low and deep.

"Yeah, he's not doing very well and we need to check up on him.." Chenle said.

"I understand, but perhaps, can I come with you. I can help take care of him too." Soojin tried to convince the group.

Renjun sighed as he stayed silent. Turning around, he looked at the others who stared at him blankly. He already knew the answer.

She can't know...

Well she can..

But Donghyuck wouldn't want her to...

Renjun inhaled deeply before he returned to Soojin who waited patiently for a response.

"Look.." his voice trailed off. "Soojin, I know you're worried about Donghyuck, but you don't have to come. You still have classes and we both know you can't miss it." Renjun said.

"No, no, don't worry. I already spoke to the professors about it. They understand if I do the work a bit later." Soojin answered.

Renjun looked at her. It was obvious in her eyes how desperate she was to see him. The mere look of worry and anxiousness boldly plastered on her face.

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