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Soojin let out a little yawn as she entered her first class of the day. After what seemed to be a good nights rest, she still felt the remaining exhaustion in her body.

Today was finals day.
She felt preassured every second that passed in the day.
When she came inside the class, everyone was already there.

There was still a few minutes left on the clock so a few students were out of their seats and hanging out with their friends before the period started.

As Soojin stepped further into the room, a loud voice that was her boyfriends called out her name as she looked back.
Her eyes traveled for a few seconds before they eventually landed on the corner where they were.

"Hey beautiful!" Hyejin yelled from the corner, Soojin smilling when she heard her remark. She strolled her way towards the corner standing next to her group.

When she got closer, her fingers instantly interwined with Donghyuck's as she smiled. The boy smiled back, looking down at his cute girlfriend.

"Ugh get a room you two." Jaemin rolled his eyes.

"Well sorry we can't, we would miss finals if we would." Soojin shrugged.

"What's up with you today, why are you so grumpy?" Hyejin questioned, eyeing Jaemin whi glared at her.

"It's fine, he's just stressed with finals, you know just like everyone else." Jeno explained.
Just as he opened his mouth and spoke, the bell rang in their ears, surprising them all.

They all turned around to face the door, watching as their professor entered the room completely ready for the day.

When the teacher reached the desk in the middle of the room, he cleared his voice, staring at the students that were in the room.

"Alright, it's finals day everybody...

Be ready to pass."


"Shit I actually hate finals with all my heart." Soojin exclaimed as she left the building with Donghyuck and the others.

The boy linked arms with Soojin, smilling as he pulled her towards his chest. She paused for a second, not being able to speak due to the small distance that thrived between the two of them.

"Don't worry too much about that bub, I'm sure you passed." He spoke, tucking a strand of her stray hair behind her ear.

Soojin found his words comforting as expected. The frown on her face was soon replaced by a beaming smile when her eyes met his.

"See..that's why I love you. You always know how to make me feel better." She looked up, lips pouting as he chuckled.
"I love you too, bub."

"Hey- what the- ugh! literally you guys, even here!"An annoyed voice yelled out again. Soojin and Donghyuck faced each other, not being able to contain their laughter.

"He's just jealous, let him be." Donghyuck told her as she giggled, eyeing Jaemin who stared daggers at their direction. She looked back ag Donghyuck, seeing his figure towering over her.

"What do you wanna do now? We're basically free for the rest of the day." She asked. He stayed silent, he was deep in thought as Soojin just stood there and admired him.

"We could go on a date. Just the two of us. Without the other guys." He suggested as Soojin smiled.
"A date?"
"Yup...just the two of us." He smiled.

She couldn't help but laugh at his words, her hands reaching his cheek as she pressed a chaste kiss on his lips.
It was short lived, as the boy whined when she pulled away.

"That wasn't a kiss." He complained. His eyes sad and his lips curled into a small pout.
"Yes it was. It was a quick one but it was still a kiss." She teased, disagreeing with him.
"Babe- come on are really doing this?" He questioned.

Soojin chuckled again, leaned her head towards him and pressing another kiss on his lips. This time, it lasted much longer, satisfying the two of them.
After a few seconds their lips were connected, she pulled away, her eyes fixed on his as he looked at her lovingly.

"So, where are you taking me for our date Mr. Lee Donghyuck?"

Y'all comment if you wanna go on a date with HC  👀

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Y'all comment if you wanna go on a date with HC  👀

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