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chasoojin's story

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Fullsun: Where are y'all going?

Jinnie: To the mall 🥳🥳🤩

Fullsun: Why?

Eun: to do some last minute shopping

For the wedding
It's literally in two days
And we forgot to buy some stuff

Jangchen: Again?
Didn't y'all already go shopping already?
Like a week ago?

Yeah we did
But we forgot a few things

Injun: I want hotpot 😩

Not my problem

Injun: You're rude

Yeah whatever
I can be rude yk 😏

Muscle Man: I'm bored 🙁

Not my problem either

Muscle Man: Soojin stfu

Jinnie: you guys stop
Where are the others

Jaeman: IM HERE

Jinnie: Lifting weights or enjoying how college girls look at you

Jaeman: the first one

MarkLee: I'm on my way home
I swear why am I the only one who has classes today

Cuz of your shitty major

MarkLee: Actually that's not wrong

Fullsun: Compsci students have today off

The Baby: Hey guys
What do human's breath in?

Jinnie: ugh I hate biology 🤮🤮

Eun: I honesly forgot

Eun: oh but is this dress cute?
Eun Sent a Photo

Injun: it's mid 😐

Eun: fuck of shortie

Injum: You asked, I answered 😌

The baby: you guys just ignored me
Wow im hurt now 😞

MarkLee: wait what was the question???

The baby: what do humans breath in

Fullsun: Air stupid 😐

The baby: I do know that
But I forgot what type of air
Ugh i really don't know why I don't know
Something in my life is killing my braincells

You mean oxygen?

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