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It's Us

Hyuck ☀️

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Hyuck ☀️

Can't believe we're graduating today

I'm so excited
I'm sure the others are too
Babe I've never seen the whole campus filled with flowers and colors

Shit is this really happening

It sure is
I can't believe
We're actually done with college

I'm gonna cry 😭
It was a long ass ride
Shit I'm nervous
Like the walking part
Me and the girls kept practicing it last night

Don't be nervous bub
You'll be alright. We all are
I bet ur gonna look so damn hot

Not now weather boy

I'm literally the best
Smartest boyfriend alive

I'm skeptical

So rude 😒😒😒
Are you guys even ready yet?

Were scared
Aren't you guys?

No just another day
My god Renjun broke my ears 😭😭

Sucks to be you lover boy

Ur mean 😒😞

I love you too
See you later bubs

See you my adorable demon gf

Wow I'm blocking u

Ur gonna miss me 😩😩

How are u so sure???

I just know 😏😏

Whatever Haechan

It's bubs

I don't care

I love you too
I'm so proud of you, bub

It was a few hours later when Soojin finally left with Hyejin and Jieun. When they came inside the cafe, the rest of the group were already sat and waiting.

"Hey guys." Soojin greeted with a smile. The greeted her back. The last time they saw each other was a few weeks back as they were all busy with finals and their graduation.

Soojin walked towards Donghyuck, sitting down beside on the empty chair beside him as his arm wrapped around her shoulder.

"Are actually graduating today? God I feel sick." Hyejin said, unable to really process anything at that moment.
"Yeah...it's all done now." Renjun said, equally feeling the same.

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