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Soojin breathed out as she threw her backpack on the carpeted bedroom floor before collapsing on her bed.

She huffed, eyes fixed on the ceiling as all that was in her mind was him. Soojin was terribly anxious to know if he was alright.

Many thoughts occupied her head and every single one of them was about him. He was only thing that lived in her head since the day started.

It was frustrating since Soojin kept loosing her focus every now and then. All that was in her mind was him, and unfortunately, it stayed like that.

"Yo.." Hyejin greeted as she suddenly entered Soojin's room. Her sudden appearance caused the girl to sit up on her bed.

"You're still worried about him?" Hyejin asked, approaching the girl before she sat down beside her.

Soojin sighed. "I don't know, I- I just can't get him out of my head. I keep on telling myself that he's gonna be alright but- but I just can't do that!" She complained.

Hyejin looked at Soojin as she sighed frustratingly. Fingers running through her hair as her head was dipped down.

"Well..." Hyejin's voice trailed. "To me, sounds like you're starting to develop feelings for him." She blurted out.

Soojin's head shot up as she shot daggers at Hyejin who smiled.
"You're seriously saying that right now? And no, I don't like him." She answered.

Hyejin rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, Yeah right..."

"But the point is, you can't get him out of your head. I mean to me that really sums it all up." Hyejin explained.

"Come on girl, just admit that you like him."

Soojin looked at her friend as she kept silent.
She held eye contact with Hyejin, her breaths were still heavy as the look of worry and anxiousness still lingered on her face.

"And besides, you shouldn't worry that much about him. He's in good hands with his group."

Hyejin said as she tapped Soojin's shoulders reassuringly. A smile came to her lips as she continued to hold eye contact with the girl who still seemed uneasy.

"You know what, you should go to bed. Today was a long day and tomorrow will surely be the same." Hyejin said.

She stood from her bed, watching as Soojin nodded her head.

She leaned back, tucking her body in between the sheets and the heavy comforter that hovered over her body.

At that point, Hyejin had already left her room, leaving Soojin alone in the mere darkness of the small space.

She sighed heavily, looking up at the ceiling.

Was he okay?

What if he wasn't?

Ugh Soojin stop worrying too much!

He's fine..

He will be.


He's going to be okay..

Just... He will be

Needless to say, Soojin didn't sleep that night.


"You like her?" Chenle raised his tone of voice.

"Oh god." Jaemin exhaled.

"I-I'm just as shocked as you are." Jeno spoke.

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