Chapter 2 - Aubrey

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"Basil.. Sunny, what happened to you?" I thought. I feel really bad for what I did to Basil, but this fight has me questioning his innocence. Basil wouldn't do such a thing, right? I don't really have the energy to question Sunny either. Im still really curious on what happened, though.

Me, Hero and Kel pull up some chairs from the corner of the room. The monitor is beeping, steadily, which makes me a little more hopeful. We watch over Basil, still giving him some personal space. After all, we aren't dentists; looking in on his little flower boy teeth. But he seems like the type to have good dental hygiene, unlike Sunny. I look over at Kel, he seems to be foraging a neutral look, I do worry, only sometimes though. I look at hero, he is watching Basil with a good eye. Maybe he's gonna to put that degree to a good use? I'm trying to fight my boredom... UGH! I try to entertain myself with my thoughts, but it's not working. Finally, with no response from Basil, I turn to the window just to entertain myself, Kel takes a glance at it as well, just out of curiosity.


I see a black haired boy, with a grim expression on his face fly past our room. Immediately, Kel takes off, and I follow him. I can barely keep up with Kel, and I'm trying my hardest. We make it to the staircase, and I sprint down as fast as I can. I trip, and graze my knee. But I immediately get back up, my heart is racing, and it's really only racing against the clock. But what will I do?.. what will I do?!

I make my way out of the entrance door. We were too late. I stare at his mangled body, sickly. I feel myself about to throw up. His body.. It's pretty much collided with the earth. The blood mixing in with the uneven surface of the concrete. His limbs spill out of his thin frame in every direction. I can't think straight. I look at his head, this is not the sunny I know. I begin to remember his face on the swing set, only now do I realize he was blushing. The beach... Sunny... I'm so sorry. My thoughts get overpowered by the sheer horror as I look at his head. His head is completely split open, blood pours and I can't tell were the brain stops and blood begins. I can't process this clearly and begin to fight back tears. I glance at Kel, the disbelief on his face speaks for itself, in the blink of an eye, he begins to cry uncontrollably. A whole bunch of nurses come running out, and through the crowd, I see Hero. He gathers himself around me and Kel. His face shows utter shock and disbelief. He reaches out his hand to me and Kel, wrapping his arms around both of our shoulders. "Everything will be okay."

Everything will be okay
Everything will be okay
Everything will be okay
Everything will be okay
Everything will be okay
Everything will be okay

I get lightheaded and dizzy, I feel myself collapse on the ground.


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