Chapter 9 - White Room Torture

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;Hero's POV;

I am inexplainably woken up to a loud noise. Something must have fallen over. I rub my eyes. What could it be this time?

I look to the side of my bed. Amalgamation stands there before me. Why, why are you back? Its two eyes clash with one another, both met with the same fate. I am glued to its figure.

Its all my fault
Its all my fault
Its all my fault
Its all my fault

I look past amalgamation, to my brother's bed. The blanket is flat, there is nobody there. The noise came from the bathroom. I try to calm myself down. I mean, he probably just dropped something or knocked it over. But it was surprisingly loud. Keep calm, he's fine... right? I mean he has been all of these years. Or at least I hope so. He did love Sunny, I can tell. But my little brother is always happy, right? I take a deep breath and confront amalgamation, it will be back but I can weaken it by not being fearful. I step out of my sheets, the cold air pierces through my skin. I creak down the floor, the door wasn't closed fully. I walk down the hallway. I knock on the door, "Kel, are you there?" No response. I knock again. "Hello? Kel?" Please dont do this to me, you know that im always here, right? I knock a third time, more desperate. "Kel? Please.. this isnt funny..!" I knock as hard as I can. "Kel?" I try to twist the knob, its locked. Shit.. uhh... dammit, what do I do? Im panicking. Fuck, butter knife?.. I run down the steps, urgently. Checking the cupboard, there is no butter knife, of course. I check the sink, reaching my hand out to the least dirty butter knife. I run back upstairs but get my foot stuck on the edge of a step and fall. I get back up. Did Kel hit his head? He wouldn't hurt himself, would he? I run up to the door, inserting the knife into the knob and twisting it both ways before opening. I open the door and catch my breath. Kel is on the floor. Surrounded by blood... Shit. The site makes me nauseous. My own brother. I run to pick him up. "Kel, oh my god!" I try to get a response out of him, there is no response. He's completely unconscious.  Why wouldn't he come talk to me? The last time that he hurt himself on purpose was all those years ago, after the fight. He was too fearful to continue. God fucking dammit. I dont have much time. Blood is flowing out of his arm like a river. I stare at his 3 deep cuts... I nearly barf right then and there. I try to put him down carefully, I swiftly grab the first aid kit. I wrap his arm in bandage. It must have irritated the blood cells trying to stop the bleeding because he completely soaked the bandage almost immediately. He is bleeding profusely. I apply pressure to his arm on all 3 cuts. But the blood just comes out of a different place, the cuts are too long..

I grab him and run downstairs to the phone. "911, whats your emergency?" "Hello? My brother is bleeding profusely from his arms. Please send help immediately, I dont know how much time is left." "Is he breathing?" I check to see if he is breathing. "Barely..." "okay sir whats your address?" "4545 ------- street, Faraway town." "Okay sir, help is on the way." I clutch Kel, why must he do this? Did I do it? I regret what I said that day... Kel, please, little brother. He is barely breathing. I get him to the sink, I wash out his cuts. There are puddles of blood everywhere, even on his face. Its a gruesome sight. I'm the adult, I need to keep composed. I see a droplet fall onto his forehead. I was crying. After what seems like forever I hear sirens down the road. I pick up Kel and dash to the door. I bring him outside. The ambulance pulls up and I carry Kel to the ambulance. They pull out a stretcher and place him on it and rush him into the ambulance. The paramedics inspect his body and come to the conclusion that he needs too much medical care. I have to stay behind. They quickly speed off with the lights on. I dont think that my heart can take it. I fall down onto the ground and start sobbing, freakishly. I try not to make noise but I just can't do it anymore.

This can't be it, right. I need to be right by his side.
Why am I never there for anyone..
First Mari, then Sunny, then Basil, then Kel.
The last two aren't dead... yet.
Its my fault.

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