Chapter 11 - Awake From a Deep Sleep

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;Hero's POV;

I open my eyes to see my parents sitting next to me, violently sobbing. My mother holding my hand.

"Hero, honey, your awake!" My mother leans into hug me, I try to return the favor but I can't move.

"Hey, Hero! Glad your awake.." my father gives me a sad smile.

I look at them. "Are you guys okay? What happened?" Mom looks at me and sighs. "Well, baby.. this past week has been really hard." She exhales. "You know, you've been asleep for the last few days and-" she starts fight back tears, my father puts his hand on my mothers shoulder. He takes over the talking, "So, Sunny's mother came to get him cremated... and we came to get your brother from the mortuary last week. Aubrey is being hospitalized for alcohol poisoning.." there is a lump in my throat. Dad bites his lip. "So, we're getting them both buried together. Their funeral is in 3 days.." mom breaks down crying. " it's okay, please dont cry.." she looks up, tears forming in her eyes. "No.. its not, Hero. You got ran over by a truck a few days ago. Your leg is completely destroyed!" Dad wipes his eyes. "..Hero?" ... "Yes dad?" He looks at me, trying to keep himself together. "Will you be going to the funeral?" I dont want to, but it's what I deserve after not saving either of them. "I... I think that I should.." I look down at my blankets. Mom squeezes my hand. "It'll be okay, Sweetie.." "The hospital will allow you to leave to attend the funeral, but you will have to come back." Dad adds. "Okay.." Its kind of embarrassing to be treated like this at 19. But I understand that their my parents and only want to comfort me. I mean, both my brother and his love interest are long gone with my girlfriend, all of which I failed. Not a single day goes by without me thinking of Mari. I dont think that I can ever move on from this one. All that I can really do for the next three days is sleep and talk to my parents. Probably undergoing medicine and treatment in the meantime. Its going to be a long 3 days. "Well, honey.. me and your father have to get things sorted in the meanwhile. Please excuse us. We'll be back by evening!.." poor mom, she's trying so hard. I say bye and look to the table next to me. There are an array of plants, envelopes, and other miscellaneous items scattered along the nightstand. I pick up the glass of water and drink it. Putting the glass down, I begin to read the notes given to me.

"Hey Hero, get well soon!" -Polly
"Good luck, Hero!" -shopkeep
"You can do it!" A sloppy dollar store card with all the hooligans names on it. You can't read any of them.

There are also a bunch of gifts from relatives. I know.. some of them but there are too many to keep track of all of them. I mean, some of these gifts are probably from my 3rd/4th cousins. I.. dont really want them... I look at the TV, I dont want to turn it on. I just dont. I reminds me too much of... those days at their house. My little brother had always wanted to be on TV, he told me about becoming a basketball or volleyball star and making it to the big leagues. Its summer, I dont need to hear about how its going to be "Sunny" outside.. I just don't. Now that I think about it, their probably both on the news. I feel a bit better knowing that he is out there with Sunny, without me to fail him.

For the next two days I had done nothing but lay in bed, talk to my parents for about two hours, take my medication and sleep. I mean, I deserve this. I was the one who was supposed to be responsible, and I betrayed everyone's trust.

Today is the day of the funeral. Mom and Dad walk into my room. "Well, honey, today is the day..!.." "Here, let me get you out of bed." She unstraps the thing hold my leg up, my father holds out his hand to help me up because I cannot step on one of my legs. I have my parents here but the air feels so empty. I look up at them my father hands me the suit. "Well, Hero, here it is..!" I take the suit in my hands and get the crutches that have been placed right next to my bed as I put my suit on my shoulder. When was the last time I had to use one of these? It feels like a lifetime ago, like I wasn't even myself but someone else. I walk forward, slowly readjusting to my crutches. As I walk to the bathroom I look back at my parents and give them a charming smile. I run the tap water and rub some on my face and eyes, man.. I look tired. I stretch up a little bit. Its time to rise and shine.. I suppose. I try not to think of whats to come, I shove the thoughts to the back of my mind and focus on changing. It's been forever since I had to get dressed with a cast on my leg. I change into my clothes, shuffling the piece of fabric up my leg and tucking the bottom of the pants into my cast. I put the other half of my pants on. It feels a little strange, I would be helping Kel tie his tie right now.. now is not the time, however. I slip on my jacket and tie my tie. Looking fresh, Hero. I smile at myself. Practicing my acting for later. I comb through my hair and get out of the bathroom. My leg still aches, though. I'll take more pain killers. I walk out of the bathroom. "Ayy... looking good, Hero." My father says. My mother looks at me and comes over to hug me, I accept the hug. "Well.. Hero.. lets get going, then." My mother says. I would stay behind to get some more painkillers but I decide to go along with them instead. We exit through the entrance doors. "Hero, look both ways this time, okay?" My mother says, concerned but also as a mood lifter after everything that has happened.

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