Chapter 12 - Admittance

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;Aubrey's POV;

I wake up surrounded by a blank, white hospital room. The room is dull and I feel incredibly tired. These last few days have been a haze. I can't really remember what happened. I scan the room and find that there is a nightstand next to me. On the nightstand are a few letters and a flower, who could these be from? I open one of the letters. "Hey Aubrey! Get well soon or sumthing." Its a letter from Kim, I can tell from the bad spelling and messily written name that it is from Kim. There are multiple other letters. The rose has a tag on it: "From: The Maverick To: My precious" Gross.. does he really still like me? It's kind of lame. A nurse walks into the room. "Hello, Aubergine!" She looks at me with a sweet, almost juvenile targeted glance. "So, I hope you are feeling better! You have been asleep for 2 days!.. thats a long time. So, we have some news about your mother... you won't be living with her anymore!.. how exciting!" I look at her. "Excuse me?" She blinks at me. "Oh, dont worry, sweets! You'll be living with you Aunt now! After your friend admitted you to the hospital. We had to pump out your stomach, so you may feel a bit tired, heh.." ugh... what? Kim brought me to the hospital? That brat.. this was supposed to be between the two of us, nobody else! "I hope your not too mad about it, your mother is being charged with child neglect and child abuse with a tamperable liquid and-" "the point is we can not legally let you go back to her." Guess I'll have to say goodbye to my friends. I'll get started with Basil, he's still in the hospital.. I think? "Hey, is Basil Fay still here? He's one of my close friends.. I would appreciate it if you could let me visit with him." She looks up from her clipboard. "Oh, Basil Fay? I haven't heard much of the kid, sorry.. I could go ask, though." My face lights up. Basil is one of few that I still have after the incident all those days ago. I still have Hero and Kel, I think. I look at the TV in front of me, grabbing the remote. I switch to the news channel, the only appropriate channel I could ever really go to at my house, I was only able to watch cartoons at Sunny and Mari's house, but they're never coming back. I turn on the TV and switch to the channel I am most acquainted with, I used to think it was boring but now I realize that it's better to watch the news and be bored rather than dont watch the news and be ignorant.

The panels on TV go back and forth with cookie cutter transitions I could make on Microsoft powerpoint. Robbery, Assault, etc etc. But the screen pans to more text:

"Faraway town: two new reported suicides."

"Sunny Suzuki jumped off of the roof of the hospital he was staying at. The fall killed him immediately, Police Say. The following morning a boy who has been said to be one of the former's friends was announced dead at hospital at 6:30 earlier today. The boy has been identified as Kelsey Desoto. The family has chosen for no further information to be published."

What the fuck. I feel sick. Did Kel really kill himself? I mean, I could tell that he liked Sunny.. but he never striked me as the type to fucking kill himself. Was that what those sirens were for? Kel and Sunny are.. dead? I look down at my hands, feeling disgusted just like I did on that day, and that one... and it's coming back to haunt me.. again. What the hell... I start to cry in my hands. I mean, he tried his hardest to help me for 4 years, and I was a bitch.. and he still came back. He even felt sorry for me. I pretended that he had ignored me all this time, I hated him with a burning passion. And he still came back. I hung out with him for a final time. But he didn't come back. How the hell will Hero react? He locked himself in his room for a solid year when Mari died, now that two others are dead? What the fuck is he gonna do? What am I gonna do?

Why am I such a jerk?
I always end up hurting the people I like..
Mari, Sunny, Kim, Kel..

Oh yeeeeaaahhhhh....
I was drinking with Kim, was I not?

The nurse walks in. "So, sweetie, Basil's room is open to admittance, but only few people at a time. Be nice to Mr. Fay, okay? And dont bring a whole party, he's still a bit under the weather.. He is at room 85 of floor 5." she smiles at me before leaving. I grab the stand for my IV bag and roll it down the hallway as I go. I walk down the hallway to the elevator. I feel nothing. Just before I reach the elevator I look behind me, I see a sight of Hero..? Why is he here? And... in crutches as well? He appears to be wearing a suit on top of his cast... is he..? No.. he's probably just going to visit family after everything. I just look at him, down the hall. I dont really know if thats even him.. Whatever.. I should just focus on Basil.

I call the elevator down, and it swiftly takes me down two floors. All this time I had played along as if I actually hated Basil, but I'm actually kind of excited to see him. I guess that Ive not done much these last few days, and I've been feeling kind of lonely. Now that its just the three of us, we have to stick together. It makes me feel a little hazy. It doesn't matter, though. I step out of the elevator and go to Basil's room.

Room 85... she said, right?

I open the door to Basil's room and am immediately met with the sound of a monitor beeping. The blonde haired boy looks at me, tired. "Oh hey, Aubrey..." I look at him. "Basil... I'm so happy youre okay!" Tears form in my eyes. "Oh no... Aubrey.. are you okay?" "Basil... its been so difficult without you.. promise me, that you won't leave..!.." he gives me a weird look. "What do you mean, Aubrey?" I wipe my eyes, "Basil.. I saw on the news... I just... both Sunny and Kel are gone now.. and I thought I saw Hero down the hall, dressed up for like a funeral or something and I-.." I crouch onto my knees and cry into Basil's blanket, he grasps my hand, nervously. "Aubrey.. what happened to.. Kel?. D-did he..?" I continue crying and look up at him. "Yes, he did.." "Just please, Basil.. promise me you won't make the same mistake.." he looks at me, content. "Its okay, Aubrey.." he gives me a smile.

"Basil, I-"
"I'm going to have to move in with my aunt.. apparently. I just- can't leave though.."

"A-Aubrey... why??"
"You can.. come live with us? It gets lonely sometimes.. and now that-.." he sniffles.

"THATS A PERFECT IDEA, WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT EARLIER?!" I give him my biggest smile. "Its not like anyone in my family really wants me, though.. they say I break all the rules. They're Christian, by the way." Basil looks at me and lets out a small laugh.

Maybe everything will be okay

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