Chapter 10 - Goodnight.

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;Aubrey's POV;

I wake up in the morning after drifting in and out of sleep for hours. I still cannot get over the experience of yesterday. It would've been moving day for Sunny. He could've left this fucked up place in the past. And yet he passed up the opportunity. None of us can really help eachother, huh? I mean, we are all messed up inside, really. It is 3:33 am, I hear sirens down the road... what happened this time? Its coming from further up north. I have nothing better to do with my time. I dont really want to sleep so I can go check it out. I step down my ladder and almost fall but still hold on. I get to the hallway. Stepping into the kitchen, I look in the cupboard.

Your mothers antidepressants. How many would you like to take?

5  «


I take 5 antidepressants and shove them in your mouth all at once. At least I can feel better for once. I slip into my shoes and walk down the road. I am met with not the light of day, but an ambulance. It drives forward down the road, siren blaring and lights flashing. I hear someone let out a cry.. eh... I dont really care. I walk back to my house. As I walk up the driveway I hear faint whispers. I dont want to go in.. I might as well go to the graveyard. The church is closed at this time of night, so I'll have to hop the fence. I try to look around for any other way to get in because the fence is spiked. Nothing. I guess that I can try to go through the bars, but they are too thin. The church might not want robbery of a grave, so they thought that through. I grab a big rock off the ground. Aim... 3, 2, 1.. and I throw it at the fence. Bashing the metal and making a loud noise. I feel disrespectful.. disgusting, even. I go to visit Mari's grave.

Oh.. Mari...
I'm so sorry about your brother. I know you loved him more than anyone.
We all miss you, Mari.
I guess I'm trying to find peace here, still.
Sorry for not visiting yesterday..
And, please.. be happy... wherever you are..

I let out a sniffle and cry into my legs. Why does this always have to happen? Sunny will forgive me, right? I really am a bad friend, huh? Sunny will be buried next to Mari, most likely. Will he even have a casket? I dont want to think about his body. I guess its time to head home. See you, Mari.. I'll be back later, hopefully.

Well, I have time to burn. I walk down the street, thinking. I have a really bad good idea. I go back to my house and up the driveway, ignoring the whispers. What do they expect of me now? There my mother is, practically dead and wasting on the couch. I grab an unopened bottle of vodka, I have an idea. I run back over to the cupboard and grab a few varieties of pills. I go up to the landline. Already excited, I punch in a number.

"Kim, hey.. Kim!"
"Aubrey what the fuck? Its 4 in the morning what the hell are you doing?"

"Come over to my house, I have a surprise!"

I hang up the phone and wait patiently at the door, my hand clenching the bottle of vodka tightly. After what feels like forever of just waiting and listening to my heart beat, Kim opens the door.

"K, shitass what are we doing?" She says, eagerly.

"Yo Kim, look what I got!" She stares at the bottle that I am currently holding up.
"..and, guess what I got!" I rattle the side of my jacket, she looks at me.
"Uhh, Aubrey?.. should we be doing this?"
"Oh c'mon, Kim! You sound so much like a nerd. We're 16, thats basically 21!"
"Eh, okay, Aubrey. If you say so!"

We dart off to the bathroom. Opening the door. I have drank before when I was like 12, but barely did anything at all.

"Vodka is just beer, right?" Im pretty sure, you know.
"Yeah I think." Kim responds. I lay the pill bottles out on the floor.
"Lets do this, right Kim?"
She's a little shakey. But she opens up the bottle and takes a swig. "Ah, spicy!" She laughs, swallowing it and almost crying due to the bitterness. "Oh, come on, Kim. We're barely even getting started. Watch this!" I grab a handful of pills and wash it down while chugging a lot more vodka. God damn, that felt weird. Kim looks at me. "Woah.. Aubrey! Thats so cool! Here, watch me mix and match!" She opens the pills onto the dirty floor and grabs multiple from each pile. Shoving them in her mouth and taking another swing of vodka. She falls to the ground, laughing. I let out a laugh after seeing her fall. Such a tiny thing still feels so funny. We're both crying laughing. I get a bit dizzy. "Yeah Kim, woo!" I grab the bottle and drink a lot. "Woah, calm down, Aubrey! Save some for me." She picks up the bottle and chugs the rest of it down. "..Kim, ugh" I say in a whiny voice. No more vodka, I guess. "Woah, Aubrey.. Where are you?" She hurls over and barfs. "Woah... what the fuck.." "I love you, Aubrey!" She yells out. "Damn Kim, what the hell is going on." I get dizzy and fall over. "Woah, Aubrey.. are you there?" She looks down at me, she just looks like a blob. "Haha.. Kim, your funny." We look at eachother. "Damn, Aubrey. Goodnight. Love you.." she falls over on the floor. I feel nauseous and hear my ears ring of alcohol poisoning. I see something loom over my head. "Goodnight!" I look up at the roof. What the fuck is happening. I feel so light and good. I fall, and I dont wake up.

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