Chapter 18 - Dissipating Order

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;Hero's POV;

I leave Basil's room, on condition of a lie. Really, I'm not actually busy. All that I really have to check up on is Aubrey. I assume she's dead, however. Why? Why would she do it? I may never know.

I might as well just be dreaming at this point. Is this real life? I look down at my palms I've been anxiously scratching down at.

...I can't really tell if anything is wrong..

Realizing that I've been standing here for a while longer than I should, I glance down the hallway and take a few steps forward. I look away quickly and see what I can only assume to be all of my friends in my peripheral vision. I quickly turn back after blinking.


There was a faint bit of emotion as I turned back, but I still feel more than empty. I might as well go down to get something to eat. Not because I deserve it, but because I need to think straight. I could probably buy something for Basil, too. He probably hasn't been eating very well, I can tell.

I head down the elevator and tell the staff on short notice that I'll be leaving. The Faraway town staff, unable to care less, allow me to leave temporarily. I head off, I've had my wallet in my pocket for days now. I look both ways before crossing this time.

I make my way over to the convenience store down the road. I check my funds.

In my wallet is $57 on hand, I had spent the rest at the plaza a few days prior.

I walk in, the bell above the door playing a familiar chime that almost anyone can recognize. The general store is definitely not of premium quality, the floors are quite dirty and the selection is far from diverse. I sigh, and look around the general store. The AC in the background playing as a simple noise in the orchestra of my thoughts. I look through all of the isles. My eye gets caught on a snack I presume Basil would like; a ranch bag of chips. I grab it off the shelf and continue looking. I see the coffee maker in the corner. I decide it's all I need. I walk up to the coffee maker and grab a cup from the side. I press the button and the liquid dispenses. Some of it splashes on my hand and I hiss under my breath at the pain. I grab the cup and squeeze it as I hear liquid pour onto the floor and the machine stops dispensing the liquid. The liquid from the cup trickles down my hand and burns in a numbing pain. I stare down at it before I realize what I had done. I quickly grab a napkin and wipe my hand down, probably looking like a total psychopath to any passerbys. I throw out the old cup of coffee before removing my stinging hand from the makeshift bandage, leaving the mess on the floor. I grab the 'wet-floor' sign and prop it up near the machine, unable to care less. I take another cup of coffee and fill it up like nothing even happened as I go to pay.

The tired cashier looks at me funny before scanning my items. She probably saw my hand, it's red, like really red. I probably look tired, too. I leave the store, feeling satisfied with myself for today.

The way back to the hospital was meaningless.

I make my way through the hospital doors. I check the clock in the wall.


Time really does fly, zoning out all of the way. It's more than halfway through the day, I only have 2 hours left before the end of the day before I can get away with calling it a night. I go up to the desk and make my return to the hospital.

After all of that I go back up the elevator, preparing my facade. My veneer must be more than impressive if everyone important to my life cannot catch on, making me successful. The way up is unremarkable, but so is everything right now. I finish the final half of my coffee and step out, throwing it into the bin as I feel a little more lifted as I think of Basil, the only other person who hasn't left me. But I suppose that that's my fault, I could've done more, really.

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