Chapter 13 - Forget about it.

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;Hero's POV;

I turn away from the coffin and just stare at the floor. I dont think I can bare to look at him much longer. Its not that I dont deserve it, I just can't look at it. No matter what I think, I can't turn around no matter how hard I try. Mom hugs me tightly. "Look what you did, Hero!" "Really... its all your fault, Hero! Can you really believe? You know what you did, dont act silly! You just had to think that your time was more important than mine, right..?" I feel myself get drawn to the coffin as I bite my lip.

Look at it

Look at it

Look at it

Look at how you tore your friends apart.


"..any last words to your brother before he goes?"

Do I have anything more to say to him? He deserves every last bit of apology but I just dont have anything in particular to say. I breathe in and out as I look down. Tears run down my face.

"Please forgive me.."

Dad pats me on the shoulder as if I did a brave thing. I look straight at him. He takes his hand off my shoulder realizing that its not necessary. I go back to my seat and my they sit beside me. I duck my head into my arms, just wanting to rest. I can feel mom and dads gazes fixed on me, they whisper something to eachother and walk away. I keep my head comfortably in my arms. Why does it always have to come to this? After what feels like an eternity I look up. Scanning the room, I see Sunny's father there with Ms. Suzuki. He seems to be crying. They sit next to eachother but Ms. Suzuki simply looks troubled rather than sad. Poor woman, losing both of her children. I wish I could've made myself useful for once. I look around and see a bunch of relatives that I can recognize, and others look familiar. Its kind of surreal to see cousins of Sunny, some of them look like him but others dont quite fit the mark. My relatives are just gathered around the food.. how uncivilized. Their family on the other hand sits respectfully and are all well-prepared. How does practically nobody here feel the way I do?

I go up to the foods table to meet some of my relatives. My aunts, uncles, grandmas, ...other aunties are all there and give a barrage of hugs. I spend an eternity catching up with them and putting on a smile. It feels like forever ago since I saw some of these people. I am offered a bit of food by one of my grandmothers. Reluctantly I say yes but I dont really deserve it.. I spend the next little while putting up with little cousins that can really do nothing but annoy me but I aid them anyways. I sit on one of the pews with a few of my mourning other, older relatives while I pick at the last bit of food on my plate. I feel like I could throw up, I know I shouldn't have eaten it but I send that feeling to the side. After presumably hours, we finally get to the final part of the ceremony, we all stand outside as some of the older women sing a tune. They lower my brothers casket into the ground and I watch as all that remains of him gets buried. Everything that I have ever done towards him leads up to this moment. My parents stand beside me and sob.


I look at her. "Yes, mom?.." my voice awkwardly cracks.

"Promise me.."
"-that you won't leave, too.."

"I promise, mama.." I haven't called her that since I was nine. I wrap my arms around her as she cries into my shoulder. It's too devastating to watch my mom cry like this, she's so sweet. If I cared, we wouldn't have been here in the first place. And now, I look at the dirt that my brother lays under. I look over beside him, where Sunny's grave resides. All this wouldn't have happened if I could actually form the words out my mouth. I look down at the two tombstones, both born of ignorance in bliss. I'll come back later.. I think.. we depart but I can tell that the whispers of the graves dont want me to stay in my current state, I dont deserve the ability to live after countless nights of self-pity and sadness. I warrant myself an early grave, the ability to leave my parasite like life back forever.

No no...
I wouldn't do that, right?
I promised..
But its not true, is it?..
They dont really care..
Murderers dont deserve to live.

"Kelsey Desoto"
11/11/84 - 8/24/01
The world was more generous when he was here.

"Sunny Suzuki"
7/22/85 - 8/23/01
The grass grew greener when he was here.

The car ride back to the hospital is a long one. I sit in the back seat, staring at my palms. They are dry, despite the influx of sweat I should be receiving after such an event..

Do I not really care..?..
This is proof, right?

We arrive at the hospital doors, my parents walk along with me. The sound of the elevator fills my head. The constant ringing in my ears will probably turn me insane. The elevator doors open and close as I leave the shaft. My parents walk me back to my room. "Well, bye, Hero.." my mother says, kissing me on the forehead. "You.. sure are getting tall, huh?.." she says, trying to be a light in the dark. "..heh, yeah, mom.." I let out a sincere laugh while responding to her comment. "Well, we'll see you tomorrow, Hero.. the nurses say you are discharged from the hospital in two days. We'll always be here, right?" "We're just a call away! Love you.. sweetie!" Mom adds. I sit on my bed and put my crutches to the side. I collapse into the mattress.

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