Chapter 23 - Over & Over

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;Basil's POV;

3 days left

6:54 am. 08/28/01

You don't deserve anything, anyways. It is forever your fault.


But, alas, I am here.

You don't need to talk like an old Englishman.

Shut up. I am here, you.. you are nothing without me. I can save you, you are helpless. You are totally pathetic. You would be dead if it weren't for me.

Really?.. or am I just fine on my own?

Want a medal for doing the bare minimum? Surviving isn't living. To live you need to put surviving to the side. I will show you, you will see. But for now, my purpose is to protect you.

I will help you, help you evade your inevitable self-caused death. Just leave it all to me, it's my job. You only have to give in. Give in to me, Basil. Play right into my hands, and you can have whatever you want. The human mind is capable of many things, I'm here to protect you from your inhuman nature.


Stop talking In circles. At this point I may as well be considered a schizophrenic. Talking to myself?

..Your choice. But you need me. I will find you, you cannot hide from me. The rotting smell of your malice and desperation is a dead giveaway. You just don't realize it.

Excuse me?


Before I can even realize it, I am alone, again. I loom above the landline, my hair flowing down through matted locks towards the number '7' button. I stare at it blankly, lost in thought.

Suddenly, the door opens. I shoot back towards them and stare towards whoever opened my door. Does anyone even care to knock anymore?

"Basil..?" A feminine voice calls out. I can barely recognize it. The figure runs up to me.

"Basil! We were so worried about you!.. we flew all the way back just to check up on you!.."


"Mom..?" She looks up down at me slightly. "Yes, it's me! Me and your father both came to see you. Not only was I worried sick, but I have some.. services.. to attend to in Faraway town.. we'll be staying at the house with you!" I smile slightly at the warmth of her hug, it's been so long since I've been given such a welcoming embrace. Even if I like to act like I've become a total sociopath after everything, I haven't been stripped of my basic human emotion. "Aha.. thanks, mum!.." a slightly larger, male figure walks in. Despite him being about 5'10, he still looks down at me. "Basil, my boy! How have you been doing?.. it's been many years, huh?" I glance at him. It has been many years. "Yeah.. maybe it has.."

"So.. Basil!.. we thought that we should just.. swing on by for like 3 weeks, mostly to deal with grandma.. and..! Maybe see some of the townsfolk after.. y'know.." she averts her gaze to the ground. "Well.. we have to go home and talk to Polly for a bit while setting up for the next 3 weeks." My dad chimes in. My mother looks back up at me, "We'll be back shortly, okay?.. we love you Basil, and we only want the best for you." I smile slightly at her. I feel burdened, overly-worked even. Now I have to deal with them, as well.

My mother hugs me and they both depart from the hospital room. Again, I'm all alone. Left to the capabilities of my mind, far beyond my control. I haven't really thought about my friends that often, right?.. it's weird, I just don't want to talk about them. Not that it would make much of a difference. I mean, I would still be stuck in this hospital room all the same.. but at least my mind could rest a little bit. And maybe, for once in my life; I wouldn't feel like a mess. I suppose that Something... Something overpowers everyone, similar to an apocalypse.

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