Chapter 8 - Cloudy Skies

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;Kel's POV;

Where am I?
I dont recognize this place...

There is a picnic table in front of me. I lift my head up from my arms. Huh, I guess that I fell asleep. I look up, the sky is a tint of orange, clouds everywhere. I look at my hands, were they always this small?

"Watcha' doing, Kel?" A charcoal haired boy asks me. That surprises me, I sit up and look behind myself. "Hm.. did I startle you?" He asks. Beads of sweat roll down my face, I can't recognize who that is, and it feels so.. off. "Uh... are you okay?" "Kel? Helloo... earth to Kelsey?.." he sits down next to me. I calm down. Oh.. it's just Sunny. "Oh hey, Sunny! Whats up?" I ask him. He looks at me, "oh, nothing much.. I was looking everywhere for you! Dont leave me worried like that!.." he says, but I can tell that he can't really stay upset with me. "So... I was just bored and came to look for you, but you weren't there!" He looks at me. I can't quite... see him. I rub my eyes and try to ignore it. "So... do you wanna do something or what?" I get up. "...well I had nothing in mind. Wherever you want to go, I guess." He replies back. "I dont really know anywhere..?" I say, because I dont understand this place. Sunny clears his throat, "what do you mean, Kel?.. but if you insist, we can go to Hobbeez!" That excites me a little bit. "Sure! Let's go!" I add. I jump up. "Hmm... I can't wait to see the comics there!.. I went a few days ago to see if the new volume of Space Boy comics, but they weren't there yet..." he complains. Hm, Space Boy, cool. We travel down a gravel path, Sunny leads the way. The gravel path fades into the grass of a familiar park. Oh, we're just in Faraway Park. But in a different lake spot! We get to the sidewalk. Sunny hops carefully over the cracks. He wobbles a little bit and falls onto the pavement. "Oh my gosh, are you okay Sunny?" Why is my voice so raspy and high pitched? "Yeah, thanks for worrying, Kel. I didn't scrape my knee, thankfully.." his voice trails off as he realizes the we are beside a vending machine. He doesn't want me to ask him for some money, he sighs. "C'mon, Sunny!" I grab him by the arm as he gets up. He wraps his arm around mine and looks at me.

What did Sunny look like again?.. My ears ring and my heart beats. He squeezes my arm tighter, and tighter until I lose circulation there and can't feel my hand. I feel a burning sting in my eyes. "Is something wrong, Kel?" I sweat. What the hell is happening. My eyes are frozen in place, staring at the hellish sight. Sunny becomes distorted and bloodied, falling onto the ground, weakly. There is a growing puddle of blood appearing behind his corpse. What the fuck? It's nasty. Sunny's eye opens, his eye is popped open and bleeding. He stares straight through me, melted on the ground.

You know what you did Kel.
You left me.
You left me splattered on the ground.
You always end up hurting the people you love.
You freak.
It should have been you.
It should have been you last time, and it should have been you this time.

I can't move, paralyzed by fear. Its not real.. its not real, it can't be. I pick Sunny up while not thinking. He's stuck to the pavement. Blood sticks to my shirt. His blood scrapes against my skin like a razor.

I need to get help.

I run to the local shops. Nobody is there.
I go back outside and scream out, but nobody came.
I try running to the other houses, still nobody.

I try running to my house. Hero is there, its not his fault. He stares right through me, his skin is pale and his eyes have no colour in them. "HERO! Help me! PLEASE!" I beg out. He just stands there. "Hero, please not now!" I try pleading with him. He walks away and through the backdoor. I chase after him, I feel weight lifted off my arms but more added onto my heart. Sunny's gone. My heart drops. I have no choice but to follow Hero. I slide open the backdoor and walk out. He is standing there.

"You know that this is your fault, right? I mean, what good have you ever done Sunny? Now they're both gone, Kel. You know that if you weren't such a nuisance all of the time then maybe the both of them would still be here!"

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