Chapter 21 - Wilting rose

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;Hero's POV;

The rose on my nightstand begins to curl, certain petals falling. Only a few more days of not caring before its putrefaction state begins. The hospital is not a good gardening environment, either.

Before even realizing it, I had awaken. The hospital room is blindingly bright. I squint my eyes, grimacing at the thought of doing anything today. I frisk through my hair as I sigh and get up off the hospital bed. I make my way to the washroom.

I splash the water on my face as I stare into the mirror. I really cannot see myself anymore, as if I am just the vessel; a husk, a shell of who I formally was. The water drips off of my face as I realize how weird I probably am to just stand here. I make my departure and go to Basil's room.

Room 85, and every other room on floor 5: are structured slightly differently than the ones on floor 8. It sticks out to me and rattles across my seemingly empty brain. I take one step at a time to the elevator, my vision slightly static.

As I reach Basil's room, I realize I should probably take better care of the rose. I had been given one years ago, and failed to take care of it through my self-loathing. Despite everything, I still managed to feel sorry for myself.



"Oh.. uhm.. y-yes, sorry.. come in..!" I hear a voice stammer from the inside of the room. I twist the knob. Click. The room is ever-so-slightly brighter. I cough before speaking, "Alright so.. uhm.. hi, Basil.." I smile at him, trying to meet my unfulfilled quota of masquerade. "Hello.. Hero.. so, how are you doing?.." he says blankly, I can tell what he is doing.

He is suffering because of me.

It's all my fault..

"Ah.. Hero?.. are you okay?.." ..I had forgotten what I was doing for a second. "Well.. yeah, for the most part, yes. And how about you, Basil?" He seems to be interrogating me, we make eye contact and I look away after a split second. "Er... yeah. I'm doing well, thank you for asking.." Basil replies. I stand in silence for a second, trying to think of conversation matter... got it. "Thank you for the rose from earlier, I'm trying my best to take care of it."


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I exhale...

"Oh.. uhm... thank you, Hero. I appreciate it.." Basil faintly smiles. There is an awkward silence exchanged between us. Basil stares out the window. I do feel quite sympathetic, he had lost all of his friends. But I just can't muster up anything besides dread, it fills the room. Basil fumbles his breathing for a second, he looks at me funny. Like he just can't keep up his smiling. I hear him sniffle. "Basil?.." he looks up at me with tears welling in his eyes. Upon closer inspection; they are puffed up and inflamed, as though he had been crying a lot as of late. "Is everything.. really, truly okay?.." he bites his lip as he collapses into his arms. I used to do the same, so I have no right to blame him.. not that I had the intent to, anyways. I take another step forward towards his hospital bed. "I.. understand, Basil. I- I should know, truly. I just can't- or.. well... Basil, I'm sorry it's just that you.. you have... a full life left to live. So please, just.. don't follow in their footsteps. No matter how impossibly tempting it may seem.." I trail off at the last bit as I realized that I have spoken more than I intended to. But, I think I speak on the true side.

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