Chapter 19 - Hours in the Gloom

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;Basil's POV;

Hero bids a temporary goodbye before dismissing himself. I watch him walk off in a stable and charismatic fashion, as if nothing bad even happened at all. I nod, unable to form the words. The door clicks behind him and I find myself alone, again. There really is nothing to do; I seem to have lost everything. The only thing I haven't lost is my mind, but that may be subject to change.

Mari, Sunny, Kel, Aubrey, Hero. You can't help a single one of your friends. Time after time again, the hands of time have been more than merciful. But you decided to do nothing.

Studying, exercise, speaking. You can't do anything.

Yet you choose to keep going forward, living in a lie from the past. Your friends will never forgive you. You might as well admit defeat, unable to make things right.

Nothing will be okay.

Voided, etched-in, obscure drawings loom above my bed. Yet I can't shake off the feeling this time. Whispers form around me in the familiar crowd. I try to take a deep breath. I fail. But then I see her, her luscious hair, her peaceful expression, her soft voice. Delicately glancing down on me, easy-going & perfect, words begin to form out of her mouth.


I look up at her, listening and observing. Tears well in my eyes. Mari, it might have been my fault, but I miss you, if you're out there.

"Keep looking forward, and don't look back. Forgive yourself. Just because you've done bad things, doesn't make you a bad person."

"Mari, I-"

"I believe in you, Basil. I know you're still there."

"Mari, Mari..!..come back.." she fades away. I bring up my hands and sob viciously into them. It's not real. It's just a dream. Really, I am good for nothing. Failures ring out inside my brain and drain out every other though I am having.

You loved them and you killed them.

Those words play over-and-over in in head until everything becomes dark and fades.

The world you know is a lie.

"Welcome to white space. You've been living here for as long as you can remember."

The bright void once again awaits for you, seemingly always there but never apparent. A safe paradise, an imbecile's heaven. Living in shadows like an outcast, seemingly deserved.

Your plant, the Aloe Vera, is almost propped next to you. It's fake, it was set like that just for you. Nothing here is real. It's leaves stretch out beyond their stem. The petals wrap around the monochrome flower like a carousel.

You decide not to open the journal. You were afraid to lose what you cared for most, but now it's all gone. You, the dreamer, you can live here as long as you put the real world on strain. You can live in the past, I can help you exist there.

Sunny would be sad to see you do this same thing to yourself.

The thought echoes around our mind, scaring you. You sit still, startled by the information. Yet, you still don't fight it, you're too weak to fight the thought of Sunny.

He's dead, Basil. Wake up.

I wake up, feeling unsettled. I bite my lip as I feel tears well in my eyes and run down my face. Through the silent hospital room, I can hear them patter against the blanket. They keep running down as I try not to exhale too loudly. My eyes burn and hurt as the salty liquid pours out of them.

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