authors notes

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So yk, I finished the story. Tbh I thought I would be more satisfied, but I guess I'll talk about my ideas for this story, what I wanted it to be, and what it became. Because this story is ass, I swear the next one will be better 😭

Anyways for the initial plot of this, it was still pretty grim, I was debating whether they all should die, because we can't have nice things in this fandom.

Basically things would play out differently; Aubrey, Kel and Hero would be hospitalized at the same place (I can imagine a front facing shot of all three of them in the hospital beds like some cinematic shit) and they were there for.. attempts on their own lives. Basil died due to his vitals failing (read it in a youtube comment) and sunny died because this is the bad ending fy. Hero tried to end via asphyxiation (lack of air.. i think, to be subtle) so not much changed there, you know. Kel uhh.. tried to drown? I saw the idea in a YouTube comment outlining the bad ending aftermath (the domino effect is real) and I really liked it. The idea was that there was a bath running (not used) for like idk someone. And Kel just.. stumbles upon the bathroom at 7:00 in the evening. And blud starts talking to himself because Sunny's death made him delulu. Of course as I mentioned earlier, none of them died. So he sits down next to the full tub and is just like "Sunny I love you." Before he did the family water challenge, by himself. I thought about getting him to take sleeping medication to pass out in the water or sum. But i scrapped this due to general survival instincts, like unless you fall into the water I don't think most people would be able drown themselves ngl. As for Aubrey, she tried to overdose on pills and alcohol, the hooligans found her between the doorway (she passed out like what a loser) and that's how she got to the hospital. Hero tried to hang himself on the ceiling fan and it broke (womp womp) and then he was js like "Ah Kel you little shit respond to me goddammit" so yeah that's it for what this story was originally going to be like. But I decided "nah fuck it" and took some watermelon sparkling water (I swear it gets you drunk ong) and some instant udon and we made it. We winners fr 💯

The reason kel died so early was 1. My kel angst hadn't been updated for a while, if you noticed that the circumstances of his death might have been eerily similar to another book? No you didnt. 2. The fanfic had an end once everyone died, because I don't want anyone coming back for more. So I kinda saw him trying to die and was like "[this joke has been removed in draft form for violating wattpad's terms of service. Please resort to the official website for support.]" and then shadow banned him so nobody even mentioned him.

I was GONNA have Basil meet his fate at his house and there was gonna be a mirror sequence, art here:

I was GONNA have Basil meet his fate at his house and there was gonna be a mirror sequence, art here:

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But then my fingers hurt and like.. 24 chapters is enough greedy ass.

I also made art for Hero's death (whoops) and then didn't use it, I didn't like it + I didn't want me mummy potentially finding it.

I wanted to rewrite chapters 8 and below because that is the dark ages why is the writing so bad 😭 but those 8 chapters have a LOT of words like damn

And so.. what will the next fanfic be?.. (Drumroll...):


If you saw the Teaser I posted on my birthday (I just unpublished it because I wanted to move it.. technical issues and skill issues lmao) than you maybe saw this coming? Idk.

Anyways, this is the part of the story I advise you NOT to die! I love you, and I also don't want to get banned. If you're dead, you can't read my stories. You can't be on wattpad, and why would I want that? So, wattpad, don't ban me please.

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