Chapter 6 - My Thoughts Will Follow you into your Dreams

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;Hero's POV;

I told Basil everything. He sat there, shocked and deeply upset. Im sorry that it had to come to this, Basil. I gave him a hug, trying to be a light in the darkness. I do owe my friends, I was supposed to be there for them. The light from the window seems to become brighter, I start crying. I can see Mari, facing the window in her yellow dress. I hug Basil tightly. I dont deserve any sympathy, but he deserves it instead. Streaks of guilt run down my face as I try to give Basil the consultation that everything is going to be okay. I look at his panic ridden face, his expression slowly becomes more calm. I hope he isnt faking it. Sunny.. was he faking it, too? I become a little bit light headed, so I try to keep my breathing steady. These silent moments always bring back the harshest memories. I try not to think about Sunny, but I can't.. I look at Basil, he's quite and polite like usual. I know that he needs a moment to process it without me. I search through his drawer, trying to take anything even remotely sharp. I'll probably collect his shears and other equipment later. I hope I can trust him, it's really all that I can rely on. "I know that you probably need a moment, Basil.. just know that I will always be here for you." I leave, taking a glance at him as I open the door, it creaks. I put up a chair from down the hallway, I should've gotten one from the room but it's too late now. I hope they dont mind. As I pull up a chair I hear a scream. "Was that Basil, or a little kid getting a shot?" I mumble under my breath. I still pay close attention. I walk back, cautiously and put down the chair. I hear a pot smash on the floor. I trip over my chair in a rush. My heart rate begins to go up. God damn it, I get up and knock. "Basil, are you okay?"

No response

I quickly turn the knob


No, NO not again. I swiftly press the button, keeping a keen eye on Basil. Okay, okay, okay, okay. Everything is going to be okay. My mind is skeptical this time.

The nurse arrives and sits Basil up. "Oh no, poor boy... what happened to him?" The nurse said in a soft tone. "He's my friend; Basil. I had just delivered unfortunate news about... earlier... and I gave him a moment. I was going to come back but.." my voice cracks. The nurse looks at me with a pitiful gaze. "He will be okay, right?" "He should, please go get more nurses and a stretcher. We'll probably have to amputate his eye, it won't recover from the shard."

I run down to get more nurses. The lady on floor 5 looks at me, concerned and picks up the dial. Was my tone that helpless? I dont know, I can't really care. Through the window I can see a storm in the distance. Typical Faraway town weather. I think about the weather in other towns, it must be pretty.. Sunny? God, this is so stupid. Why am I trying to distract myself? I should just crumple up into a ball and die.

Many more nurses arrive at the room, escorting him. He is on the stretcher, I dont know what to think of this. Why? Why am I late EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. TIME.

I actually can't do this right now.
Why do I always leave everyone else?
When it should really be the other way...
I just dont get it, but it's not like anyone is going to help me, is it?
I mean, after all this time, I should have it all figured out. But I just can't get a grip.

I have nothing to think about...
I have been forgetting about it this whole time. Why couldn't I have been there? Why didn't I check up on him? I had four years. FOUR FUCKING YEARS to get this sorted out. Sunny's life depended on me, and I still failed at every opportunity to help him. And he's never coming back. There really are no second chances, huh? It's not like I can just call out Sunny's name, magically summon him and apologize.

I understand everything now. I can see it so clear.

Basil loved him and you failed
Aubrey loved him and you failed
Kel loved him and you failed
You loved him and you failed...

...    Mari loved him and you failed them both

Unknowingly, I walk back to the car. I gave them my phone number on my way out to hear about anything regarding Basil. I just try to focus on the road, a temporary distraction from my whole life falling apart, again. Why does it always have to be so quite in this world. I was quite once and Mari left me. I was quite twice and everyone left me. I was quite for the final time and now everyone is suffering. I think... maybe the world is giving me time to think about my mistakes. Forever and always.

I pull up to the driveway. This time, there are no birds and the sun doesn't shine. The neighborhood is pretty silent at this time of evening, surprisingly. I put the keys in my pocket and walk through the front door. Aubrey is now awake, fully devouring her burger. That sends a wave of relief over my head. She is hanging out with the hooligans. Kim points at her plate, "Hero.. or whatever, this is some of the finest cuisine out there!" She said with her mouth full of, presumably candy. That's nice, but I dont need compliments, or do whatever, I shouldn't tell you what to do because I have no idea what im doing myself. I just nod my head and let out a small smile. Aubrey glances at me, I think she's going to ask me later about... earlier. I give her a 'gleefully surprised' look as a mask. She breathes out, chomps on her burger and continues talking to the rest of the hooligans. I'll tell her about Basil later. I go upstairs to put my stuff away. The sight of Kel catches me off guard. "H-Hey bro," I greet him with my big-brother stature and tone. All he can muster up is a "hey" in response. I feel really bad. He's huddled over, facing the wall. I dont want him to waste away, but I know that when all is said and done, I'm going to be the one left crying in the dark. Once I lose focus of my incentives. I probably won't even notice. Why am I so useless?.. this time its not even a question that crosses my mind, its just a statement I am calling out to nowhere. I can tell that its not the time to tell anyone about Basil. I crawl into my bed, I try not to think. Its best if I dont, I dont want anyone to catch me crying. And I just dont feel like I have the right to cry and mourn. Its my fault. Thats all that bounces around my head.

"Welcome to the White Room"
"You have been failing people for as long as you can remember."

I look up, there is no god here. And this place more than proves it. I temporarily distract myself when I find hector. "Woof! (waiting for something to happen?)" He pants, I pet him... he pants, ...I pet him. I eventually get up to investigate. There is the school laptop you were assigned, you haven't seen it since...
There is a tissue box for wiping your sorrows away, its empty. You notice a door, its locked. There is a mirror, you see nothing but shame. You sit there, waiting with Hector. You notice an amalgamation in the distance. Cool...

You go closer.
"You should totally cook more, Hero, your cooking is just so perfect! It reminds me of you!"
You remember
"Oh, hi.. Hero. Im just wondering... can you take me and Basil to Hobeez? Mari is doing homework."
You remembered
"Oh, hello Hero!.. would you like to hear about the book I'm reading? It's a book on-"

Amalgamation turns back and stares through your soul. It hands you a key. You see Amalgamation fade away. You wish it was so easy.

You unlock the door ahead. You are greeted to the sound of children playing in the park, they sound so familiar. On the ground is a picnic set, you sit down. You could have sworn you saw a glimpse of Mari, she's not here. You reach into the picnic basket, it's empty. The picnic set fades away.

There is a car, full of equipment for the beach. You could have sworn you saw a glimpse of Sunny, he's not here. The car fades away.

There is a garden, on the ground is a ethnobotany book. You sit on your knees. You could have sworn you saw a glimpse of Basil, he's not here. The garden fades away leaving its soil behind, for a fresh beginning.

You move forward. Amalgamation is standing in front of 3 headstones. It quickly fades away. They are graves for people you have never met.

You are back in White Room. Your heart is racing. You pick up a pair of pliers from when you did community service. You quickly stabbed yourself.

Edit: I just read this over and why do I switch between first and second person? Like what?

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