Chapter 14 - Flowering Guilt

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;Basil's POV;

Aubrey sits next to me, saddened. These last few days have been a haze. I mean, what was I even thinking? Trying to stab my eye out.. I look at her and greet her as tears form in her eyes and she begins to cry. She breaks down, "Basil... promise me.. that you won't leave too..!" I stare at her, thinking of Sunny.. there was more that I could have done and yet I still did nothing. I look at my blanket and stare down at my hands. "What do you mean, Aubrey?" I try to keep calm as she cries into her face, "Basil... I saw on the news-... both Sunny and Kel are gone now..." her voice cracks midway through the sentence. Kel..? "Aubrey.. what happened to Kel..? D-did he..?" She looks up at me and bites her lip. "Yes.. he did.." ... "Basil, I-" "-In a few days I'm going to have to move in with my aunt.."

Aubrey is.. leaving too?

I try to keep calm and breathe in. Everything is going to be okay. Keep your composure.

An idea crosses my mind, my eyes light up. "Oh, Aubrey.. You could move in with me..? I-I'm sure Polly wouldn't mind..." I'm so emotionally devastated that even just Aubrey's presence lights up my world. It's what Sunny would want, right?.. he would only want Aubrey to be happy.. I think. I kind of forgot. I do owe it to him, either way. I haven't seen him in four years, I wouldn't know, but I should've.. it's all my fault. Everything that happened. It's all my fault. Everyone's sadness in bloom, why did something do it? This is all happening so quickly, I begin to sweat. Aubrey looks at me, as if I had just lit up her world.

"Basil, thats..."
"THATS A PERFECT IDEA, WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT EARLIER?!" She grins at me, widely. Its so nice to see her happy again, I can't help but feel a little relieved, even if its for just a short period of time. She begins talking about her family struggles. I listen, intent. Maybe we will make it. Maybe I can finally repay my dues. I stare down at my blanket, satisfied enough for the time being. Aubrey really is amazing, still. I failed last time, this time; I won't.

We sit there, talking for hours. Talking the same way we did years ago, like nothing had ever happened at all. "You know, Basil, you really still are the same nerd. Even after all these years..!" She smiles at me, a bittersweet one, at that. Like she had just officially lost everything, but is still holding on. I envy her. "You know.. Aubrey, your always welcome at my house if you need anything," my eyes get a little watery, this is the first time I actually cared in a while. Deep down, it feels like I dont deserve it, like I'm going to get tugged down to the deepest depths. But in the back of my mind, it feels like I've been freed, atleast temporarily. Almost as though I could almost be forgive by Sunny. He's such a saint.

Through he window, an evening light is cast on the room beside me in a heavenly manner. Feeling the warmth after the storm. Maybe I am going crazy, then so be it. Aubrey is talking about what she had for lunch a few weeks ago right when one of her friends would do a comically comedic thing, as her group typically does. "I haven't quite been discharged from the hospital.. maybe in like two days.. but as soon as I am? Im going to be fucking up Gino's!......Want anything?.." she laughs. "Let me guess, vegetable pizza? With a side of what..? Ranch?.." she adds before I can even respond. I let out a laugh. She looks at the clock. "Well, flower boy.. guess I'll have to get going, then." She gets up from her chair and puts it back with the rest of them. She makes her way to the door. "Oh and uhm.. stay safe, Basil.." she lets out a smile. "Bye, Aubrey.." I say. She turns back to the door and exits, taking one last glance as she leaves the room. I look around, it's only about 7:00 pm. I have some time to burn. There is a flower given to me from Polly, there is a letter taped to the side.

"Hey, Sweetie! I hope you are doing better, you know how much that I worry! Sorry for not coming today, I had a few things to set up at the church for your friends' funeral. You aren't well enough to go and I dont want you to hurt yourself. Anyways, remember to drink lots of water and maybe try talking to Aubrey. I heard she was there too."

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