First Day (Episode 64)

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The next morning...

Timothy was woken up out of his sleep by the sound of his 7:00AM alarm going off. His eyes slowly started to open. The back of his head was planted softly into his pillow, as he felt a damp spot near his mouth.

Lying down with a sleepy expression, Timothy grabbed his phone and turned on the screen, causing him to momentarily shut his eyes. He saw that he had received two new messages.

The first was from his mother. He opened it, and it read, "I'm sorry, I just got your message. And I'm sorry I wasn't able to be at the house when you got home yesterday. I have very important work meetings, but I'm proud of you and I knew you could do it ❤️"

Timothy smiled and hearted the message. He sat up in his bed as he brushed his fingers through his silky, blonde hair. He opened the second message next. It was from Jessica. It was from a few minutes ago as well. It read, "See ya there dude🤘"

Timothy's smile slightly dissipated, as a minor sense of guilt washed over him for a moment because of yesterday. But he had no time to feel bad about that though. He lightly tapped himself in the face with both hands twice.

He then got up off his bed and got down onto the palm of his hands. Timothy proceeded to complete fifty push-ups, before continuing on with the rest of his morning routine.

After finishing getting ready, Timothy was out of the door at 7:30AM. Much like yesterday, he caught the local bus. Only this time, Brian wasn't at the bus stop alongside him.

While on the bus, Timothy felt butterflies growing within his gut as he glared out the frosty window. He was nervous to say the least, and yet, full of satisfaction.

Timothy had never thought he'd make it this far. His mind was racing through everything it took to get him to this point in his life. He's never been closer to his goal until this day. Thinking about it all made him a bit emotional, but he held back the tears, awaiting his destination.

At 8:15 AM, Timothy had arrived at the front of the school. He couldn't believe it. The place was massive. And much like yesterday with the tryout participants, hundreds of teens were outside of the school.

(Picture of the Mastery Academy, excluding the students and the snow)

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(Picture of the Mastery Academy, excluding the students and the snow)

Timothy searched through the crowd in front of the school's campus. He was looking to see if he could find one of his friends. But as soon as he started trying to search for a familiar face, the school's bell had rang.

Instantly, all of the teens began entering the school at once. Seeing this, Timothy couldn't wait around. He had to follow the crowd. However, just as he took a step forward in the snow, he felt a cold hand grab onto his left wrist. He turned around almost immediately...

"Caught you just in time it seems. I need a guide to the classroom after all," Lucas said to him with a joking grin. Upon seeing him, Timothy felt a sense of relief and joy wash over his soul.

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