A Promise (Episode 27)

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The following day, the catastrophe was all over the news. "Oh my gosh." Timothy exclaimed as him and Brian watched the broadcast from the couch. "I know man. And it's that same villian Jessica and I stopped not too long ago at the arcade. How'd he escape?" Brian replied. "Hey boys, you want pizza for dinner tonight? Or Chinese food?" Mrs. Rivera asked. But, Brian and Timothy were too invested in the news program to listen.

All of a sudden, the lights flicked on, drawing in Timothy and Brian's attention. "Now as I was saying, what do you guys want to eat!?" Mrs. Rivera exclaimed. "Oh sorry mom, pizza is fine I guess." Timothy replied. "Yeah, pizza sounds good right about now. Our fault, we were just watching this broadcast about a dangerous villian that had escaped. Jessica and I fought him not that long ago." Brian said. "Goodness gracious! Are you guys alright? Why haven't you ever told me more about this!? It seems like a huge deal!" Mrs. Rivera worriedly asked. "Don't worry about it. He was a piece of cake when we fought him. But, it looks like, he's gotten stronger. Alot stronger." Suddenly, Timothy stood up from the couch and turned off the tv. "What the heck man! I was watching that!" Brian exclaimed. Clenching his fist, Timothy looked down and said, "We can't just keep sitting around and doing nothing. Before we know it, tryouts will come. And you and I both know we're not ready. So let's go train!"

Smiling from ear to ear, Brian excitedly got up and yelled, "You know tryouts aren't until December right? Ahh who cares!? I like your enthusiasm! Hell yeah! That's what I'm talking about! Now I'm pumped! Let's go to the gym and kick some a..." Before he finished his sentence, Mrs. Rivera smacked him clean across face, sending him flying across the room. "If you even think about finishing that sentence, I will not hesitate to call your mother Brian!" Mrs Rivera shouted. "Jeez, one second she's worried about me and the next, she tries to kill me." Brian thought to himself.

A couple of hours later, the sun began to set as Timothy and Brian walked out of the local gym. "I'd say I've made pretty great progress today." Brian said. Timothy frowned and replied, "I wish I can say the same. I mean, yeah I did get some progress physically, but what does it matter if my power only lets me light myself up."

Rolling his eyes, Brian asked, "Jeez man, what has been up with you lately. You've been acting really edgy and depressed these past weeks, even after getting your invitation. I mean you can do whatever you want but I'm just saying, I miss the old happy Timothy who was filled with endless positivity and determination." Immediately afterwards, Timothy stopped as the shadow of his hair covered his eyes. "You know, that day when those two villains attacked on my block, I saw the carnage they left behind. Destroyed cars, blood everywhere, and the lives of innocent citizens and pro heroes lost. I saw it all in front of me. And I couldn't do a damn thing about it. So sure, you can say whatever you want about me, but no matter what, I'm still a useless coward and a wannabe hero. Me saving that one pro was pure luck. You should've seen it Brian. I couldn't just stand there like I did the night when those black suited criminals attacked. Or the day that Caspian boy attacked the arcade. But, even though I did something small, I feel like I could've done more. But I was still too damned nervous. What's wrong with me?"

Everything went silent afterwards, as the cool evening winds blew by. Tears began to fall from Timothy's face. Looking up at the sky, Brian took a deep breath, and he said, "Alright, give me some night light and follow me. I wanna show you something." Timothy looked up, wiped his tears, and sighed, as he began to follow Brian.

After walking for 15 minutes, they had arrived at a cemetery by a forest. "Why are we here?" Timothy quietly asked. But, Brian remained silent, and kept walking deeper into the graveyard. Timothy sighed angrily, and kept following Brian. Eventually, Brian stopped. "We're here." Brian said in a saddened tone of voice. Once Timothy walked up to Brian, he illuminated himself brighter to read the tombstone. As soon as Timothy read the tombstone, his annoyed expression swiftly changed. It read "Here lies Javier Angels."

While putting the hood of his jacket up, Brian said, "I still blame myself for what happened to him that night. If only I was there to save him. I say that to myself every night before I sleep. The best human being I've ever met, hell he was practically our older brother. I was so young when it happened, that I couldn't even come to realization of his early death until later in life. And sure I'm never gonna not beat myself up about it, but I don't cry about it anymore. Because I know that that's not what Javier would have wanted. He wouldn't want me to be sad about it. Instead, he would want me to keep going strong and not let it affect my goals. Timothy, those heroes that were killed went out being real heroes, fighting to protect others until the end. You think that they'd want you to be sad about how they went out!? Heck no! If anything they'd want you to keep going and get stronger, to become as great a hero as they were, and that's something I believe.....no, that's something I know is true."

Brian, taking off his glasses, wiped the tears from his eyes before they leaked out. But as he was doing so, Timothy instantly hugged Brian, crying his eyes out. "Y...yeah your, right. Th...thank y..." But before Timothy could finish his sentence, Brian put his arm around Timothy's head and brought him into his jacket to cry into. "Let it all out little bro. It's alright. And I promise, that no matter what I will protect you and Jessica from anything or anyone, even if it costs me my life. Because I sure as hell ain't letting another friend go." As the bros were hugging it out, Brian pulled out a picture from his pocket and said to himself, "That's also a promise to you too.....Javier."

(Brian's picture of Javier)

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(Brian's picture of Javier)

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