Dust (Episode 8)

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It was the next day, and Timothy was getting ready to head to the local arcade. After feeling bummed out about yesterday, Brian and Jessica invited Timothy to come with them to hangout there. After lacing up his shoes, he walked outside his house, only to see them both already waiting there for him. Confused, Timothy smirked and asked, "Why are you guys here? I thought we were meeting at the arcade?" Jessica replied, "Dude, we like, got too excited to wait for you, so we just walked over here to pick you up ha ha." He raised his eyebrow and replied, "But we go to the arcade every other day?" Cutting him off, Brian said,"No more questions, let's just go!" Timothy shrugged his shoulders and began walking with them.

As they were heading there, Brian looked back at Timothy, seeing him looking down at the ground miserable. Feeling bad, Brian asked, "Why are you still so down Timothy?" Timothy looked up at him and replied, "Yesterday, I can't get it off my mind." Jessica, now also feeling bad, looked back and asked, "Is this about Lucas? Come on little dude, you gotta let it go and move on. You needa hop back on each time you fall down, just like skateboarding. To be honest, even though he was hot, he was kinda creepy too." Timothy looked up slightly and replied, "Maybe he was, yeah, but I believe he acts that way for a reason. I know it has something to do with his past, but I haven't figured it out. I may never know now considering the fact that we're probably not even friends anymore." Brian replied, "You shouldn't rush Friendship Tim, takes time. Should've got to know him better first."

Before they knew it, they were already at the arcade. "Besides, looks like we're already here, bet I can win more tickets than y'all," Brian finished. Both Timothy and Jessica smirked and replied, "You wish!" But, as soon as they got to the door, they were knocked out the way by a small crowd of people, running out of the arcade, crying in fear. Timothy, Jessica, and Brian, all looked at each other in shock for a split second, before running inside the arcade to see what all the commotion was about. Right after they got inside, the sight of what they saw disturbed them. A boy was standing over a headless body of a man covered in white dust. The three of them were so in shock and terrified that they couldn't move a muscle.

The boy, his hands covered in the same white dust, turned around and saw the three of them staring at him in terror. He had a grey skin, elf like ears, black eyes with blue pupils, grey hair with a single blue streak, and small white fangs. He looked about the same age as them. Upon the sight of them, the boy's menacing glare grew more intense, and slowly began walking towards the three of them.

Suddenly, Brian snapped out of his state of shock, put his arm out in front of Jessica and Timothy, yelling, "The two of you need to get back now! I'll take care of this!" Suddenly, the boy stopped, raised his eyebrow, and began laughing hysterically. "You some kinda savior or something!? That's hilarious!" Brian yelled, "What the hell is wrong with you!? Why are you doing this!?" The boy chuckled harder and said, "I don't know!? Why are you acting so bold like you're some kinda hero!? Ha ha ha!!!" The boy began cackling so hard he fell onto the ground, crying tears of pure amusement.

Without hesitation, Brian quickly ran up to the villian, summoning a sticky bomb in his right hand. "TIMER, ONE SECOND!!!", Brian shouted. The villain's expression quicky changed. Suddenly, Brian slammed the bomb onto the ground and hopped back immediately afterwards. The bomb went off and blew up right in front of the boy, sending him flying back, crashing into an arcade machine. "Jessica! Call the cops!" Brian shouted.

Shaking, Jessica quickly pulled out her phone and dialed the number. But, the boy was still conscious. He slowly began getting up. Giving Brian a death stare from the other side of the arcade, He said, "Big mistake...you just turned your damn future to dust!"

you just turned your damn future to dust!"

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(Picture of the boy)

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