A Hero (Episode 14)

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Caspian wrapped his arm around Smokey, bringing him closer and said, "Come any closer, and your cat is dust." Lucas froze immediately and the angry look on his face soon turned to stress.
Lucas pleaded, "Please, don't do it. He's all I have left in my life. Please."

Suddenly, a tear strolled down Lucas's stressed face. Caspian laughed, "Where...did your determination go? I thought you were supposed to be tough? But you're just a concerned little crybaby." Lucas wiped away the tear and replied, "Let my cat go. Now." Caspian grinned and said, "If you want me to let him go, then you h...have to...."

All of a sudden, Caspian's eyes rolled to the back of his head. He was out cold. The amount of blood he lost in both his head and leg caused him to pass out in a pool of his own blood. When Caspian fully faded, his grip released, and Smokey quickly ran up the stairs to Lucas. "It's alright now. You're safe," Lucas said as he picked up Smokey and cradled him.

After Smokey was fully content, Lucas set him down and looked at Caspian's unconscious body. Instead of finishing Caspian off right there and then, Lucas sighed and walked down to his mansion's library in the basement. Once he got down there, he gathered medical supplies and a note. Then, he pulled out a pen from his pocket and wrote in the note.

Afterwards, Lucas walked back upstairs and wrapped up Caspian's leg and head with bandages. He then attached the note onto Caspian for him to read when he wakes up. The note read, "Every saint has a past, but every sinner has a future." A few minutes later, Lucas picked up Caspian's unconscious body and flew out during the storm. He flew Caspian to the police station and dropped him off at the door step after knocking on the door. But before the cop answered the door, Lucas was already gone, leaving Caspian to the police.

Later that night, Lucas opened up to a new chapter in his journal as Smokey slept peacefully on his lap. He wrote, "I have spared the life of a worthless sinner. Even after his invasion and death threats. I would have killed him, but I had not. Instead, I have stopped his bleeding wounds and turned him in. Is this what Timothy would have wanted? Is this what being a hero truly is, atleast a small step towards that reality? I know it's too late for us to become friends once more, even if it was only for less than a few hours ago. And I regret what I have said to you, Timothy. But, I could at least do what you asked me and try to become a better person. A person that's happy with them self. A person that helps others like you, Timothy. A person, that is called a hero."

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