Discord (Episode 31)

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"This is like, totally stupid!" Jessica angrily shouted as the charging, black suited criminals readied their attack. Holding onto her skateboard tightly, Jessica realized she only had one arm to use in order to keep her skateboard safe. The criminals were now merely ten feet away. All eight of them were equipped with large, sword-like machetes, and each of them were prepared to use them.

Rolling her eyes, Jessica swiftly ripped off the black glove of her available hand with her teeth. Only five feet away from the criminals, Jessica slammed her hand onto grass. In the blink of an eye, a swarm of dirt and grass surrounded Jessica, resembling a twister. This stopped criminals momentarily, realizing the potential danger. The sunny afternoon at the main city park was quickly becoming a fierce storm of grass.

Suddenly, massive vines shot up out of the ground, surrounding and towering over the black suited guys. They couldn't even turn back and run, as the gigantic vines began to wrap each of the criminals at an extremely fast pace. The vines had wrapped around the arms and torsos of the men, tightening as more sprouted out of the ground.

Now, losing consciousness from the tightness of the vines. With what little strength they had left, the criminals attempted to reach for their machetes and use their powers. As soon as they tried to free themselves, their struggle would only make things worse for them. Small, sharp, spike-like thorns began to grow on the vines that were tightly wrapped around them, digging into their skin. Blood curdling squeals sounded from the black suited criminals as the vines tightened and the thorns slowly impaled them, merely avoiding their vitals.

Eventually, the dust from the grass and dirt storm cleared. All eight criminals had been tightly secured, as Jessica stood up and blew off the dirt from the palm of her hand. "Y'know at first, I was kinda upset that you guys ruined my wicked skateboard stunt with that fake, gunshot noise y'all made. But this was like, totally fun! Extra training for my tryouts in seven months. So thanks I guess," Jessica said as she put her glove back on and pulled out her phone.

"It was fun, but like, I still gotta call the cops on you guys because scaring people like that is totally not cool. By the way, don't I recognize you guys from somewhere? Or do all criminals these days wear black bodysuits?"

The captured criminals remained silent, seeming almost lifeless as they were being held up by the vines from the ground. "Hello? Do you guys like not talk or something? Sorry if the vines are a bit too tight and prickly dudes. I'll release them when the cops..." All of a sudden, Jessica saw something flying in the corner of her eye from the left. Before she could fully turn, a poker card flew right by her face, slicing her cheek in the process. "Hey! What the hell!?" Jessica exclaimed whilst holding her face, which was dripping blood.

When Jessica fully turned, she saw a creepy looking guy holding a deck of cards, ten feet away from her. In a radio-like voice, the guy said, "Jessica's the name right? It is funny how dumb you are. These guys in the black suits can't talk because it'd give away their identity, thus eliminating the point of wearing the suits in the first place you moron! By the way, the name's Cypher. Nice to meet you kid!"

 Nice to meet you kid!"

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