A wonderful day for everyone

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Season 2 Episode 1

Synopsis: Couples enjoy a wonderful day beginning the month of spring.

In the morning.

At Stella's house.

Nico and Stella are outside the house sitting on the steps and listening to music on the radio.

Nico: Wow, a wonderful new spring came out today.

Stella: I love the beautiful spring, it's so cute and lovely.

Nico: What a day is going by fast, isn't it?

Stella: Yes. So, sweetie. Do you have any plans for this spring season?

Nico: Well, I don't know. Just spend enjoying you and me, my love.

Stella: Awww same me. Just you and me. It is a very beautiful answer.

Nico: Can we go to the park today, baby?

Stella: Yes my pretty boy.

Nico: Okay. Come on.

Stella: Wait. I'm going to leave my radio in my room. Wait for me.

Nico: Okay. I'll wait for you.

Stella: Ready.

Nico: Wow, how fast you are.

Stella: Hehehe yes. Okay, let's go.

Nico: Oh look, Ethan and Chloe.

Ethan: Hi guys.

Nico: Hello best friend.

Ethan: Hello friend.

Stella: Hello best friend.

Chloe: Hello friend.

Stella: Wow Chloe. What is that thing you have in your hand?

Chloe: This is my Fidget Spinner. It is a rotating object. (Spins his Fidget Spinner)

Stella: Wow, amazing. Can you lend it to me to try it?

Chloe: Sure friend. I lend it to you.

Stella: (Spins Chloe's Fidget Spinner) Wow.

Nico: What's new you two?

Chloe: Well, we came to see you visit.

Stella: Oh yeah?

Chloe: Yeah.

Ethan: Where are you going?

Nico: Stella and I will go to the park to spend some time this spring season. And you?

Chloe: My boyfriend and I are going to spend some springtime in the park too.

Stella: Oh great. We can go all four together to the park.

Nico: Sure. Let's all go to the park to hang out together.

Ethan: Okay. Come on.

The 4 kids arrive in the park.

Stella: Hey Chloe. Did you buy your spinning toy?

Chloe: No. My boyfriend gave it to me.

Stella: Wow Ethan. Did you give your girlfriend the rotating object?

Ethan: Sure Stella. I gave it to your friend Chloe and she really likes it.

Chloe: Yes, the Fidget Spinner looks very fascinating.

Stella: Wow, how beautiful.

Ethan: Oh and I also got some flowers and chocolates.

Stella: Oh how lovely.

For the love there is no age ❤️ Season 2Where stories live. Discover now