Earning money

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Season 2 Episode 2

Synopsis: Ethan's ball got a puncture and he wants a new one, but he doesn't have the money to buy it. Chloe has a plan and will help her boyfriend earn money to buy a new soccer ball.

In the morning.

At Chloe's house.

In the courtyard of the house.

Chloe watches Ethan playing with the soccer ball.

Ethan: Seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one. Wow! 21 score. I have a new record.

Chloe: Awesome Ethan. Very good is your record.

Ethan: Thanks, Chloe. Next time I'm going to break the record. It was very impressive. What did you think of what I played?

Chloe: Fantastic love. The most.

Ethan: Hehehe. Good.

Chloe: Do you think you can make it to the new record?

Ethan: Yes, of course, I do. I'll try again tomorrow.

Chloe: Okay Ethan. Is it your only ball or do you have more balls?

Ethan: My ball is the only one. I only have one ball.

The next day.

In the morning.

At Ethan's house.

Ethan starts playing with his one-footed ball to see if he can break the record without falling to the ground.

Ethan: Very good. Here I go. One Two Three Four Five...

(The ball was punctured)

Ethan: huh. What happened?

Ethan discovers that his ball just got a puncture.

Ethan: Oh no. My ball. It was punctured. Oh no, my ball was destroyed and punctured.

Chloe: Hi, Ethan. Oops, what happened?

Ethan: My ball got punctured. Now I no longer have any ball to play.

Chloe: Let me see it. Oh, I see. Your ball has already been punctured because it is surely old.

Ethan: So, I need a new ball.

Chloe: Yeah. But do you have money to buy a new soccer ball?

Ethan: No. I don't have money. Where am I going to get money to buy a new ball?

Chloe: Hmm. Oh, I know. I have an idea. Why don't you sell lemonade for 25 cents to people?

Ethan: Selling lemonade. I don't think it's a good idea. I mean, if I start selling lemonade, not many people are going to come.

Chloe: Oh maybe.

Ethan: That's it. I have a new idea. How about I go walk the neighbor's dog? And with that, I would earn money to the touch.

Chloe: Walking the neighbor's dog. Yes, it's a very good idea.

Ethan: Sure. It's time to start my mission.

Chloe: Do you want me to come with you so I can help you?

Ethan: Sure Chloe. Come on.

Chloe: Great.

Ethan rings the doorbell of the neighbor's house.

Ethan: Hello Mr. Martinez.

Mr. Martinez: Hello Ethan. Did you come to walk my dog?

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