A relaxation to enjoy

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Season 2 Episode 3

Synopsis: The family takes a day off at the pool.

At Chloe's house.

In the call.

Chloe: Hello Stella.

Stella: Hi Chloe. I have very good news for you.

Chloe: Wow. How about you? Tell me the good news.

Stella: My parents and I are going to the pool and I invited my boyfriend so we could meet at the pool tomorrow on the weekend. Would you like to go with me tomorrow? You can also go with your boyfriend.

Chloe: Sure friend. Sure. I'm going to tell my boyfriend Ethan to see if he's going to the pool so we can all get together. Oh, I'm going to tell my parents to see if they permit me.

Stella: Okay Chloe. Perfect. You tell him and let me know through the chat.

Chloe: Okay friend. See you.

Stella: Bye.

Chloe calls her boyfriend Ethan on her cellphone.

Chloe: Hi, Ethan.

Ethan: Hello my precious baby. How are you?

Chloe: Good, all good love. Hey, can I tell you some good news that you won't believe?

Ethan: Good news. What is the good news?

Chloe: Stella is going to go to the pool tomorrow, she invited her boyfriend Nico and he invited me so we can meet. Stella invited you too and says that would you like to go to the pool tomorrow. So we can meet the four of us.

Ethan: Oh sure. That sounds great. I accept the invitation. I'm going to tell my parents the news.

Chloe: Cool. I will also tell my parents about it.

Ethan: Okay. I'll let you know if they let me.

Chloe: Sure. Let me know. I'll let you know too if they let me.

Ethan: Okay. Bye.

Chloe: Bye.

The call ended with Chloe and Ethan.

Chloe: Very good. I'm going to tell my mom and dad. Mom. Dad.

Mila: Yes daughter.

Harry: Tell me, baby.

Mila: And that joy? What happened?

Chloe: My friend Stella invited me to go to the pool tomorrow.

Mila: Wow, Chloe. Awesome.

Harry: Wow, what a wonderful girl.

Chloe: I have a question. Can I go to the pool with my friend Stella?

Mila: Sure honey. Of course. I've also been thinking about going to the pool.

Harry: So do I. The pool is very fascinating.

Chloe: Oh. Oh really? Are you going to accompany me?

Mila: Yes. The three of us can go to the pool together.

Chloe: Oh that sounds great.

Mila: Yes. Tomorrow your dad and I are going to get ready to go to the pool.

Chloe: Cool. So get ready for tomorrow because it's going to be a lot of fun. Oops, I'm so excited to go to the pool with my friend. Oh, and Ethan and Nico are going to be there too.

Mila: Wow, okay baby. We understand you.

Harry: Tomorrow we're all going to the pool.

Chloe: Cool. I'm going to tell my friend and my boyfriend.

For the love there is no age ❤️ Season 2Where stories live. Discover now