The dream of being with you

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Season 2 Episode 28

Synopsis: Ethan and Chloe hang out on the street and they both start spending romantic time together.

In the morning.

On the street

Ethan and Chloe hang out in the street.

Chloe: Thank you for helping me with my math homework and for explaining the math facts.

Ethan: Oh you're welcome my girl. I'm all excellent with math. I remember that when I was in the fifth grade on Elementary school, I did very well in all the mathematical subjects and, well, I always get very good grades.

Chloe: Great. I have a boyfriend who is very good at math. You are my hero, Ethan.

Ethan: Thanks. As soon as you don't understand and it's difficult, I'm here to help you.

Chloe: Oh how cute! Very good.

Ethan: Very good.

Chloe and Ethan arrive at the donuts.

Chloe: Oh donuts. Yummy, I love donuts so much.

Ethan: I love it too.

Chloe: Wow, there's a long queue around here.

Ethan: Easy. It's going to be fast.

10 minutes later.

Ethan and Chloe have already ordered their donuts and sit down at the table.

Ethan: Done.

Chloe: Bon appetit for the donuts.

Ethan and Chloe start to enjoy their donuts.

Chloe: Hmm. Delicious.

Ethan: Hmm. Delicious.

Chloe: Hey, You don't drink coffee, right?

Ethan: No. I don't drink coffee.

Chloe: Then why do you have that paper cup?

Ethan: Oh that. I am drinking orange juice. (Opens the glass lid) See. It's orange juice.

Chloe: Oh I thought you were drinking coffee.

Ethan: Hahahaha. Of course not. There was no plastic cup. They told me it was over.

Chloe: Oh okay. Hahaha.

Ethan: Hehehe. Well, how are you doing with your grades and school?

Chloe: Well, everything is very good in my school, with my friends we are doing well. The ratings are all excellent.

Ethan: Isn't there a bad grade?

Chloe: Nope. I have all my good grades.

Ethan: Cool. I'm so glad, Chloe. Keep getting good grades. You are my very intelligent girl.

Chloe: Thanks. (She gets happy) And yours, how are you doing with your grades and in your school?

Ethan: Everything is very good at my school, my grades are going excellent, without any bad grades as well.

Chloe: Excellent. Now you and I are very smart to get good grades from the course. It is very excellent.

Ethan: Yeah, it's pretty amazing.

Chloe: Is the cinnamon donut your favorite?

Ethan: Yeah, it's my favorite. And is that strawberry sprinkle donut you're eating your favorite, too?

Chloe: Yeah, also the purple donut with sprinkles.

Ethan: Oh the strawberry donuts and the purple one are your favorites.

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