Don't steal

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Season 2 Episode 12

Synopsis: An elementary school boy starts stealing things. What will happen to him?

At school.

The teacher: Children. I present to you the new student of the school: Caleb Monte.

Caleb: Hello.

Students: Hi Caleb Monte.

The teacher: Excellent, you can sit with Stella and Chloe. Those two girls. They don't bite. They are affectionate.

Stella and Chloe: Hahahaha.

Caleb sits on his new desk along with Stella and Chloe who are sitting on the right. Stella and Chloe really like Caleb Monte and he smiles easily.

At snack time.

Caleb: I'm like a snake that wraps around your neck to keep you warm. Guess what it is?

Stella: Let me guess. A scarf.

Caleb: Exactly. A scarf.

Stella, Chloe and Caleb: Hahahaha.

Chloe: What food did you bring in your bag?

Caleb: I brought a peanut butter and strawberry jelly sandwich.

Chloe: Oh yummy.

Caleb: Do you want one?

Stella: Sure.

Chloe: Yeah, buy me one.

Stella: How nice.

Caleb: Okay, I invite you both.

Stella: What is your favorite food, Caleb?

Caleb: My favorite food is hamburgers.

Stella: Oh how delicious.

Caleb: And you two girls?

Chloe: The pizza.

Stella: Pizza is also my favorite food.

Caleb: Great. Out of curiosity, I like to eat everything.

Chloe: And which food(s) don't you like?

Caleb: The goulash.

Stella: Goulash. You don't like goulash.

Caleb: Yup. It's the only food I don't like.

Stella: Okay. I like you very well.

Chloe: Yeah, you are great, Caleb.

Caleb: You too, girls.

Stella and Chloe continue to talk with the new partner Caleb. Caleb is a nice funny guy and also smart.

In the fifth-grade classroom.

Chloe presents her music box to the teacher and students.

Chloe: This is my music box. My little box has such an adorable song and it has a little person in here. Do you want to see who it is? She's a dancing girl. (Opening her music box) And look, she turns around dancing.

Students: Wow.

The teacher: Wow Chloe. How beautiful it is. The song is very adorable. I like your presentation.

Chloe: Thank you, teacher. I'm glad you like my music box.

(Class bell)

The teacher: Very well children. See you in the next hour. Today you have science class.

An hour later.

In Virginia elementary school.

Chloe walks up to the teacher and says it in her ear. The teacher stands in front of her students and suddenly that news is something unpleasant.

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