A friend's big TV

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Season 2 Episode 8

Synopsis: Ethan, Nico and Sebastian come to their school friend's house named Matt to watch the big TV, but he is addicted to watching only the football game show on the big TV without being able to play with the three of them.

In the morning.

Boy: Yes, go on, go on. Pass it on pass it on

Ethan, Sebastian and Nico are excited to visit their friend's house from school.

Boy: Yes. Yeah. Come on!

Nico knocks on the door of the house and the lady opens the door.

Ethan: Hello. I'm Ethan.

Nico: I'm Nico.

Sebastian: And me Sebastian.

Lady: Wow, wow, wow. You are Matt's friends.

Matt: Pass it to him. Pass it to him.

Sebastian: We came to play with Matt.

Nico: Watch your giant TV.

Ethan: And talk and have fun.

Matt's Mom: Come in guys.

Announcer: And Seymour goes to the area, kicks it and gooooool! Goooooal from Seymour!

Matt: Yes! Great goal for the team. Great goal Seymour. Yeah! Yeah! Whoo! Gooool!

Matt watches his soccer game on a big TV.

Matt's Mom: Matt. Son. Your friends came to visit.

Sebastian: Hello.

Nico: Hi.

Ethan: Hi Matt.

Matt: You guys saw that. They scored a goal

Nico: Yes. It was very interesting and exciting.

Sebastian: Wow, what a nice big TV.

Ethan: Who scored?

Matt: Seymour scored.

Matt sits back down on the couch, continues to watch the game, and eats his popcorn.

Matt's Mom: Matt. Son, your three friends came to play with you.

Matt: You can watch TV with me.

Ethan: Oh yeah. This can be entertaining.

Sebastian: Thanks, Matt.

Nico, Ethan and Sebastian sit on the floor to watch the big TV.

Nico: I've never seen that big TV.

Sebastian: So do I.

Ethan: Me too. It's so good.

Matt: Yes! Run! Come on!

Nico: This one has 30 channels.

Matt: 50 channels are.

Sebastian, Ethan and Nico: Oh.

Matt's Mom: But he never changes the channel because he loves to just watch the soccer game.

Ethan: It doesn't matter. I like soccer.

Nico: It doesn't matter. That's going to be magnificent.

Announcer: Approaches the goalie zone, kicks and passes to the team player.

Matt: Good, you passed it. Come on, continue. Do not give up. Pass it to the other. Go excellent pass.

1 hour later.

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