Tracy and her new friend

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Season 2 Episode 15

Synopsis: Tracy meets a new kid from town who lives on the farm.

In the morning.

At farmers markets.

Tracy hits the farmers' markets.

Tracy: Hi. Can I have 1lb of eggs, please?

Egg owner: It's 2 dollars.

Tracy: Here you go. Thank you.

The Egg Owner: Thank you.

The boy: I sell sweet cookies with strawberry, blackberry and pear jelly. Here, thank you very much for the purchase. I sell delicious sweet cookies with strawberry, pear and blackberry jelly. Would you like to try, girl?

Tracy: Oh thank you. (Try the shortbread cookie with strawberry jelly) Mmmmm. Wow, the cookie with strawberry jelly is delicious. (Eating a cookie completely) I can't believe I haven't tried it in my entire life.

Boy: It's good girl that you liked it.

Tracy: Yes. How much do both cost? The blackberry jelly and the strawberry jelly in a jar.

Boy: Is it $5?

Tracy: Okay, I'm taking it with me. (She gives the boy $5 and takes the two jars)

Boy: You can also take the sweet cookies, it's free.

Tracy: Oh thank you very much.

Boy: You're welcome girl. Come back soon.

Time after.

Tracy returns home.

Tracy: Hi mom. Hello Dad. I'm here.

Tracy's mom: Hi Tracy.

Tracy's dad: Hello daughter. How are you doing?

Tracy: Good, all good. I brought you a kilo of eggs that you asked for.

Tracy's dad: Thank you, daughter. I'm going to put them in the fridge.

Tracy: And I brought something delicious that you have to try. I brought two jars of jelly. One strawberry and one blackberry.

Tracy's mom: Wow, yummy.

Tracy's Dad: Wow, two jellies in jars. Where did you buy it?

Tracy: I bought it at the farmers' markets. I have tried a sweet cookie with strawberry jelly and it was delicious. I have never tried those in my life.

Tracy's mom: Wow baby. Excellent.

Tracy: They like to taste them. You can try sliced bread or a sweet cookie.

Tracy's mom: Sure Tracy.

Tracy's dad: Okay daughter. Let's see, let me try them.

Tracy: Okay. I'm serving.

Tracy brings out some cookies and serves them with strawberry and blackberry jelly and Tracy's parents taste it.

Tracy's mom: Mmm. They are delicious.

Tracy's dad: Wow, these are so delicious. I like it.

Tracy: Wow, cool.

Tracy's mom: It looks like you bought it there, it's very good and delicious.

Tracy: Yeah, there was a kid who was selling the delicious jellies.

Tracy's dad: A boy?

Tracy: Yeah, a kid who I think is a farmer.

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