A new group meeting

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Season 2 Episode 16

Synopsis: The gang meets at Tracy's house to eat the barbecue, talk and play at a gathering of friends.

In the afternoon.

At Tracy's house.

Tracy: Okay group. Today we are here to organize our plans for the new meeting of what we are going to do for the weekend. Do you have any plans what we are going to do on Saturday? I do have. We can play riddles by drawing on a picture.

Stella: Wow, what a great idea, Tracy. I love playing riddles on a drawing.

Chloe: So do I.

Ethan: It's quite interesting and fun.

Dani: Great.

Nico: Well, I have my new idea for tomorrow.

Tracy: What's your idea, Nico?

Nico: Well, we can make a grill.

Tracy: Great idea, Nico. I was also thinking of making a grill.

Nico: Great.

Ethan: I could bring a big dessert.

Tracy: A dessert. What dessert could it be?

Ethan: A big delicious chocolate cake.

Tracy: Good idea, Ethan. This dessert is perfect. So, bring your dessert that you mentioned.

Ethan: Thanks. I'll tell my mom to make it. She loves to bake cakes.

Tracy: Cool. There are riddles in drawing, the grill and the chocolate cake for dessert. Alright, that's all we're going to do for the weekend.

Dani: We have to dress elegantly.

Tracy: No, in normal street clothes.

Dani: Oh okay.

Tracy: Alright gang. The plans for our new meeting are made. What time is the meeting going to be? In the afternoon at 3:00 pm at my house. Is the time that you can come okay?

Nico: Yeah, that's fine.

Stella: Sure, the time is right.

Ethan: The time is fine if I can come.

Chloe: So do I.

Dani: Me too.

Tracy: Okay gang. Everything is already done. See you all on the weekend at 3:00 pm at my house.

On the weekend


At Tracy's house.

Tracy and Dani are arranging the plates, silverware, and glassware on the table in the backyard of the house.

Tracy: Oh wow, the new meeting is going to be so great today, Dani.

Dani: Yes, the day is going to be very wonderful. I am very happy that the meeting is going to be very special.

Tracy: Now that everything is organized at the table, they need to come.

Dani: Oh by the way, what are we going to eat today?

Tracy: Today we are going to eat hamburgers and today dogs on the grill. My parents are cooking it.

Tracy's parents cook on the grill.

Dani: Mmm. The food smells good. It's already making me hungry.

Tracy: Me too.

(The sound of the doorbell)

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